[PATCH 0/8] drm/i915/gvt: make headers self-contained

Jani Nikula jani.nikula at intel.com
Tue Dec 8 10:29:06 UTC 2020

For a long time now we've had a build option in i915 to ensure the
headers in the driver are self-contained, i.e. they include and forward
declare everything they need. Finally fix the gvt headers that aren't,
and remove them from the exclude list.

Please use the CONFIG_DRM_I915_WERROR=y config option to ensure the
driver remains warning free and headers stay self-contained.

Please merge this via the gvt tree.


Jani Nikula (8):
  drm/i915/gvt: make execlist.h self-contained
  drm/i915/gvt: make fb_decoder.h self-contained
  drm/i915/gvt: make gtt.h self-contained
  drm/i915/gvt: make interrupt.h self-contained
  drm/i915/gvt: make mmio_context.h self-contained
  drm/i915/gvt: make gvt.h self-contained
  drm/i915/gvt: make scheduler.h self-contained
  drm/i915/gvt: make mpt.h self-contained

 drivers/gpu/drm/i915/Makefile           | 10 +---------
 drivers/gpu/drm/i915/gvt/execlist.h     |  3 ---
 drivers/gpu/drm/i915/gvt/fb_decoder.h   |  6 ++++--
 drivers/gpu/drm/i915/gvt/gtt.h          | 11 ++++++++++-
 drivers/gpu/drm/i915/gvt/gvt.h          |  4 ++++
 drivers/gpu/drm/i915/gvt/interrupt.h    |  5 ++++-
 drivers/gpu/drm/i915/gvt/mmio_context.h | 11 +++++++++++
 drivers/gpu/drm/i915/gvt/mpt.h          |  2 ++
 drivers/gpu/drm/i915/gvt/scheduler.h    |  5 +++++
 9 files changed, 41 insertions(+), 16 deletions(-)


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