Questions on Intel UHD 520 / 620 Video BIOS

Clemens Schulz Clemens.Schulz at
Tue Jun 30 11:24:39 UTC 2020

Hi everybody,

we are currently running a project where we are using GVT-d technology together with KVM/Qemu in order to passtrough the hosts Intel integrated graphics card from a Linux based OS (and Gen6 Intel Core-i CPUs or later) to a Windows 10 based VM. This works more or less good on most of the machines. However, we are facing multiple issues from time to time regarding the used Video BIOS we need to specify while configuring KVM and video passthrough. As those questions are pretty much specific to VBIOS and what kind of settings in the binary, etc. I would like to know if there is some kind of contact person for such questions or if I should write my questions right here in this mailing list. Would be really great to get some kind of hint here.

Best Regards,

Clemens Alexander Schulz
Director Desktop Security

Rohde & Schwarz Cybersecurity GmbH
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