Jan Franssen myyang at
Mon Jul 19 22:13:18 UTC 2021

Dear Sir,

My name is Mr. Jan Franssen, Chief Financial Officer,
AME Capital Asset Management Limited here in London, United Kingdom; I
have URGENT and discreet business proposal for you that shall benefit
us immensely should you choose to participate or partner with me.

Before I reveal any sensitive information it is important I state
categorically that, all privilege information concerning my proposal
and this business transaction is treated with utmost confidentiality
due to the source of funds.

These funds which sums up to (GBPЈ15.5) Million British Pounds are
currently in our client segregated account in relation to one of our
private clients late (Deceased) who passed away 5 years ago. Hence, the
reason why I have contacted you is because you share the same name
with the deceased which is very important in securing the above
mentioned funds.

These funds are held with our prime brokers which is an offshore bank
here in the UK. With your permission, I shall give step by step
explanation on why I need your assistance and also the source of
funds. Further information on how we shall proceed legally to obtain
These funds will be provided in due course once I ascertain your
genuine intentions and willingness to assist.

Should you be interested, then I would like to hear from you as
soon as possible via my Email:janfranssen at to enable me
provide you with more details on how we are to proceed. I anticipate
and look forward to a successful business relationship with you.

Yours faithfully
Mr.Jan Franssen

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