Re: Investment Opportunity!!

Susan Frost suefrost at
Fri Nov 5 06:43:52 UTC 2021

Dear Sir/Madam,

       My name is David Stringham an Investment Attorney with a reputable legal & investment  management firm. My Firm mostly represents the interests of wealthy investors.

Due to the sensitivity of the position they once held in their country and the unstable investment environment of their country, some of our Clients evacuate the majority of their funds into more stable economies and developed nations where they can get good yield for their money.

A Reserved Client, whom I had personally worked with a few years ago with a proposal, recently approached me. What he requests is an individual such as you, who will be willing to receive money on his behalf, and put it to good use for a period not exceeding 6 years for a start.

The Client has offered some terms which will be discussed when you show interest and if you aren't interested and you know of someone looking for an investor, please do give him/her my contact.

Please respond to the personal address below.
(stringhamdavid0 at}

David Stringham
Investment Attorney
stringhamdavid0 at
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