Our unwavering dedication is to provide you with better shipping service. Share your feedback, and we'll express our thanks with a small token.

Embrace The FedEx Assessment Hub embrace.the.fedex.assessment.hub at packstwo.bond
Tue Oct 31 13:43:58 UTC 2023



We'd like to extend our thanks for selecting FedEx as your preferred 
shipping provider.  Your loyalty and support are greatly appreciated, 
and we value the opportunity to serve you. 

We'd like to extend our thanks for selecting FedEx as your preferred 
shipping provider.  Your loyalty and support are greatly appreciated, 
and we value the opportunity to serve you. 

Upon finishing the survey, you might be eligible for a $100 gift!

To initiate the survey, just click on the link below.  It's a brief 
task that will take only a few minutes, and please be assured that 
your responses will be kept confidential. 

Start Here Now >>

Your support is greatly appreciated, and we eagerly anticipate your response.  Warm regards. 


another day to leave here >>>
US 10010 126 E 23rd St New York, NY,

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