<B>From Desk of:Juana H. Cook (Mrs)</B></DIV>
<B>For: Secretary-General António Guterres.</B></DIV>
<B>United Nations Headquarters in Geneva, </B></DIV>
<B> </B></DIV>
<B>UN/IMF Pay{ATM Compensation Payment Notification Valued at US$5,900,000.00}</B></DIV>
<B> </B></DIV>
<B>Dear Beneficiary,</B></DIV>
<B> </B></DIV>
<B>This is to inform you that the UN/IMF Compensation and Debt Settlement Bureau in conjunction with the </B></DIV>
<B>European Union (EU) wishes to congratulate you on the successful selection in our ongoing fund remittance </B></DIV>
<B>promo for all Scam victims, ecological and natural disaster affected individuals to be issued ATM Global </B></DIV>
<B>Cash Card for compensation around the globe. This scheme was initiated by the United Nations, International </B></DIV>
<B>Monetary Fund (IMF) with European Union (EU) to compensate all Such victims and also to help the world in </B></DIV>
<B>the sustainable 2020 Poverty Alleviation Scheme and Economic Meltdown. In regards to this, we wish to inform </B></DIV>
<B>you that your compensation funds valued at US$5,900,000.00 {Five Million and Nine Hundred Thousand </B></DIV>
<B>USDollars} has been authorized to be released to you through our ATM Global Cash Centre stated hereunder.</B></DIV>
<B> </B></DIV>
<B> </B></DIV>
<B>Note that no tickets were sold out. Your email was among other lucky emails/Scam Victims users selected</B></DIV>
<B>RANDOMLY via United Nations e-wheel World Wide Web (WWW) Computer Ballot System drawn from over 5,000,000</B></DIV>
<B>companies and 5,000,000 individual email/Scam Victims from all over the world during the all victims</B></DIV>
<B>Online EMAIL selection draw.In the mean time we have been mandated to issue out this payment via our ATM</B></DIV>
<B>Global Swift Cash Card Payment method, which is the latest technology powered by the ATM Global Inc.</B></DIV>
<B>This ATM Global Swift Cash Card will be credited/uploaded with your above referenced fund and couriered</B></DIV>
<B>to your door step via Exclusive Royal Classified Courier and a tracking number will be issued to you to</B></DIV>
<B>enable you track your parcel till it gets to its final destination.</B></DIV>
<B> </B></DIV>
<B>Take note that your ATM card Number; XXXX 4214 7682 XXXX has been approved and validated in your favor.</B></DIV>
<B>Meanwhile,your Secret Pin Number will be available as soon as you confirm the receipt of your Global ATM </B></DIV>
<B>Cash CARD. You are permitted a maximum withdrawal value of US$10,000(Ten Thousand Dollars) daily and this </B></DIV>
<B>ATM card can be used in any ATM machine/cash Point anywhere in the world.</B></DIV>
<B> </B></DIV>
<B>Therefore, you are advised to feel free to contact our Director of the ATM Global Cash Centre with</B></DIV>
<B>the required information as listed below to the following office via email stated hereunder.</B></DIV>
<B> </B></DIV>
<B>The Director</B></DIV>
<B>ATM Global Cash Centre.</B></DIV>
<B>UN Compensation Bureau</B></DIV>
<B>3 Whitehall Court London SW1A 2EL</B></DIV>
<B>United Kingdom</B></DIV>
<B>Email: paymaster.uncc@gmail.com</B></DIV>
<B>Contact Person: Dr. Fred Mc Naid</B></DIV>
<B> </B></DIV>
<B> </B></DIV>
<B>Required information:</B></DIV>
<B>1. Full Name</B></DIV>
<B>2. Phone and Fax Number</B></DIV>
<B>3. Address Were You Want Us to Send the ATM Card</B></DIV>
<B>4. Your Age and Current Occupation</B></DIV>
<B>5. Country</B></DIV>
<B> </B></DIV>
<B> </B></DIV>
<B>Take note that because of impostors, we hereby issued you our Attestation Code Number:(UNTX001F2020)</B></DIV>
<B>which you must keep from any third party AND should indicate this Secret Code Number when contacting the </B></DIV>
<B>ATM Global Cash Centre by using it as your subject AND we will not bear responsibility if lost because your </B></DIV>
<B>funds will not be attended to without this information. Therefore you are hereby mandated now to contact </B></DIV>
<B>our Director of ATM Global Cash Center for more details AND directives for the immediate release of your </B></DIV>
<B>ATM Global cash card.</B></DIV>
<B> </B></DIV>
<B>We Wait For Your urgent Response.</B></DIV>
<B> </B></DIV>
<B>Yours in Service,</B></DIV>
<B> </B></DIV>
<B>Juana H. Cook (Mrs)</B></DIV>
<B>For: Secretary-General António Guterres.</B></DIV>
<B>United Nations Office, Geneva-Switzerland.</B></DIV>
<B> </B></DIV>