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<td align="center" bgcolor="#F7F7F7"> <p style="padding: 1rem; color: #FEFCFC; font-size: 2px" width="70%">Thirty or forty years ago M Alfred Maury and about the same time M d'Hervey of St Denis had observed that at the moment of falling asleep these colored spots and moving forms consolidate fix themselves take on definite outlines the outlines of the objects and of the persons which people our dreams But this is an observation to be accepted with caution since it emanates from psychologists already half asleep More recently an 18 American psychologist Professor Ladd of Yale has devised a more rigorous method but of difficult application because it requires a sort of training It consists in acquiring the habit on awakening in the morning of keeping the eyes closed and retaining for some minutes the dream that is fading from the field of vision and soon would doubtless have faded from that of memory Then one sees the figures and objects of the dream melt away little by little into phosphenes identifying themselves with the colored spots that the eye really perceives when the lids are closed One reads for example a newspaper that is the dream One awakens and there remains of the newspaper whose definite outlines are erased only a white spot with black marks here and there that is the reality Or our dream takes us upon the open sea?round about us the ocean spreads its waves of yellowish gray with here and there a crown of white foam On awakening it is all lost in a great spot half yellow and half gray sown with brilliant points The spot was there the brill 19iant points were there There was really presented to our perceptions in sleep a visual dust and it was this dust which served for the fabrication of our dreams<br /> <br /> Will this alone suffice Still considering the sensation of sight we ought to add to these visual sensations which we may call internal all those which continue to come to us from an external source The eyes when closed still distinguish light from shade and even to a certain extent different lights from one another These sensations of light emanating from without are at the bottom of many of our dreams A candle abruptly lighted in the room will for example suggest to the sleeper if his slumber is not too deep a dream dominated by the image of fire the idea of a burning building Permit me to cite to you two observations of M Tissié on this subject:<br /> <br /> B?? Léon dreams that the theater of Alexandria is on fire the flame lights up the whole place All of a sudden he finds himself transported to the midst of the 20 fountain in the public square a line of fire runs along the chains which connect the great posts placed around the margin Then he finds himself in Paris at the exposition which is on fire He takes part in terrible scenes etc He wakes with a start his eyes catch the rays of light projected by the dark lantern which the night nurse flashes toward his bed in passing M?? Bertrand dreams that he is in the marine infantry where he formerly served He goes to FortdeFrance to Toulon to Loriet to Crimea to Constantinople He sees lightning he hears thunder he takes part in a combat in which he sees fire leap from the mouths of cannon He wakes with a start Like B he was wakened by a flash of light projected from the dark lantern of the night nurse Such are often the dreams provoked by a bright and sudden light<br /> <br /> Very different are those which are suggested by a mild and continuous light like that of the moon A Krauss tells how one day on awakening he perceived that he was extending his arm toward what in his 21 dream appeared to him to be the image of a young girl Little by little this image melted into that of the full moon which darted its rays upon him It is a curious thing that one might cite other examples of dreams where the rays of the moon caressing the eyes of the sleeper evoked before him virginal apparitions May we not suppose that such might have been the origin in antiquity of the fable of Endymion?Endymion the shepherd lapped in perpetual slumber for whom the goddess Selene that is the moon is smitten with love while he sleeps</p> </td>
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