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<p><span style="text-decoration: none; ">To discontinue messages,</span><a href="http://www.agdhrds.info/mensurable-Auberge/2c45t2K395n86im11O47f2z1124O36dbrxIh-Z5x-HI5fhbwxwEYvIIHIwgxstEsvZ7tQxdSQd5Y1Uw05cWwWD" style="text-decoration-line: none; color: white"> <span>Begin_Right_Here </span> </a><br /> 126 E 23rd St New York, NY, US 10010<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <strong style="color: #E8E8E8">I will summarize what I have just been saying When we are sleeping naturally it is not necessary to believe as has often been supposed that our senses are closed to external sensations Our senses continue to be active They act it is true with less precision but in compensation they embrace a host of subjective impressions which pass unperceived when we are awake?for then we live in a world of perceptions common to all men?and which reappear in sleep when we live only for ourselves Thus our faculty of sense perception far from being narrowed during sleep at all points is on the contrary extended at least in certain directions in its field of operations It is true that it often loses in energy in tension what it gains in extension It brings to us only confused impressions These impressions are the materials of our dreams But they are only the materials they do not suffice to produce them 29<br /> <br /> They do not suffice to produce them because they are vague and indeterminate To speak only of those that play the principal rle the changing colors and forms which deploy before us when our eyes are closed never have welldefined contours Here are black lines upon a white background They may represent to the dreamer the page of a book or the facade of a new house with dark blinds or any number of other things Who will choose What is the form that will imprint its decision upon the indecision of this material This form is our memory<br /> <br /> Let us note first that the dream in general creates nothing Doubtless there may be cited some examples of artistic literary and scientific production in dreams I will recall only the wellknown anecdote told of Tartini a violinistcomposer of the eighteenth century As he was trying to compose a sonata and the muse remained recalcitrant he went to sleep and he saw in a dream the devil who seized his violin and played with master hand the desired sonata Tartini wrote it out from memory when he 30 woke It has come to us under the name of The Devil's Sonata But it is very difficult in regard to such old cases to distinguish between history and legend We should have autoobservations of certain authenticity Now I have not been able to find anything more than that of the contemporary English novelist Stevenson In a very curious essay entitled A Chapter on Dreams this author who is endowed with a rare talent for analysis explains to us how the most original of his stories have been composed or at least sketched in dreams But read the chapter carefully You will see that at a certain time in his life Stevenson had come to be in an habitual psychical state where it was very hard for him to say whether he was sleeping or waking That appears to me to be the truth When the mind creates I would say when it is capable of giving the effort of organization and synthesis which is necessary to triumph over a certain difficulty to solve a problem to produce a living work of the imagination we are not really asleep or at least that 31 part of ourselves which labors is not the same as that which sleeps We cannot say then that it is a dream In sleep properly speaking in sleep which absorbs our whole personality it is memories and only memories which weave the web of our<br /> <br /> dreams But often we do not recognize them They may be very old memories forgotten during waking hours drawn from the most obscure depths of our past they may be often are memories of objects that we have perceived distractedly almost unconsciously while awake Or they may be fragments of broken memories which have been picked up here and there and mingled by chance composing an incoherent and unrecognizable whole Before these bizarre assemblages of images which present no plausible significance our intelligence which is far from surrendering the reasoning faculty during sleep as has been asserted seeks an explanation tries to fill the lacunæ It fills them by calling up other memories which presenting themselves often with the same deformations and the same incoherences as 32 the preceding demand in their turn a new explanation and so on indefinitely But I do not insist upon this point for the moment It is sufficient for me to say in order to answer the question which I have propounded that the formative power of the materials furnished to the dream by the different senses the power which converts into precise determined objects the vague and indistinct sensations that the dreamer receives from his eyes his ears and the whole surface and interior of his body is the memory</strong><br /> <br /> <span title="quantifying"><small></span></small><style title="quintillion"><span><font size="orients"></font></span><span dir="cannibal"><font></font></style><font size="Tiburon"></span></font></p>
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