[Intel-xe] [PATCH 2/6] drm/xe/migrate: Update cpu page-table updates

Thomas Hellström thomas.hellstrom at linux.intel.com
Tue Mar 14 13:11:00 UTC 2023

On 3/14/23 13:15, Matthew Auld wrote:
> On Mon, 13 Mar 2023 at 20:46, Thomas Hellström
> <thomas.hellstrom at linux.intel.com> wrote:
>> Don't wait for GPU to be able to update page-tables using CPU. Putting
>> ourselves to sleep may be more of a problem than using GPU for
>> page-table updates. Also allow the vm to be NULL since the migrate
>> kunit test uses NULL for vm.
>> Signed-off-by: Thomas Hellström <thomas.hellstrom at linux.intel.com>
> Seems reasonable to me, but I'm not really familiar with the history here,
> Reviewed-by: Matthew Auld <matthew.auld at intel.com>

Thanks for reviewing,
I briefly discussed this with Matthew Brost some time ago, and he was OK 
with changing this AFAIR,

If we can gather some solid performance data that shows waiting for a 
while for the fence to signal is a better choice, and also whether we, 
in that case, should spin like mutexes or go to sleep, we could easily 
change this again.


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