[Intel-xe] [PATCH v2 1/5] Revert "mei/hdcp: Also enable for XE"

Greg Kroah-Hartman gregkh at linuxfoundation.org
Tue Nov 14 12:12:50 UTC 2023

On Tue, Nov 14, 2023 at 12:08:39PM +0200, Alexander Usyskin wrote:
> This reverts commit 62db7d00efe48c614b006086f306d5addedf8f83.
> It will be replaced by match without driver name.

Again, you are saying _what_ you are doing, but not _why_ you are doing
this.  I have no clue why this current matching is not acceptable.

And did you just break the existing code if only this patch is applied?

> Signed-off-by: Alexander Usyskin <alexander.usyskin at intel.com>

As I asked this same question last review cycle, I'm now going to be
very picky and say "You are not following the documented Intel procedure
for Linux kernel patches that Greg has to review."  Please work with
your internal Intel kernel developers to fix this, otherwise we can not
take them at all, sorry.


greg k-h

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