[PATCH 3/4] drm/xe/gsc: Track the platform in the compatibility version

Daniele Ceraolo Spurio daniele.ceraolospurio at intel.com
Tue Aug 13 23:11:46 UTC 2024

The GSC compatibility version number is reset for each new platform. To
indicate this, the version includes a number that identifies the
platform (102 = MTL, 104 = LNL); this matches what happens for the
release version, where the major number also identifies a platform.

To make it clearer in our logs that the compatibility version is
specific to the platform, it is useful to include this platform number.
However, given that our binary names already include the platform, it is
not necessary to add this extra number there.

Signed-off-by: Daniele Ceraolo Spurio <daniele.ceraolospurio at intel.com>
Cc: John Harrison <John.C.Harrison at Intel.com>
Cc: Alan Previn <alan.previn.teres.alexis at intel.com>
 drivers/gpu/drm/xe/xe_gsc.c   |  7 ++++---
 drivers/gpu/drm/xe/xe_uc_fw.c | 13 +++++++++----
 2 files changed, 13 insertions(+), 7 deletions(-)

diff --git a/drivers/gpu/drm/xe/xe_gsc.c b/drivers/gpu/drm/xe/xe_gsc.c
index 85a6a65063c4..0217e05feb70 100644
--- a/drivers/gpu/drm/xe/xe_gsc.c
+++ b/drivers/gpu/drm/xe/xe_gsc.c
@@ -165,10 +165,11 @@ static int query_compatibility_version(struct xe_gsc *gsc)
 		return err;
-	compat->major = version_query_rd(xe, &bo->vmap, rd_offset, compat_major);
-	compat->minor = version_query_rd(xe, &bo->vmap, rd_offset, compat_minor);
+	compat->major = version_query_rd(xe, &bo->vmap, rd_offset, proj_major);
+	compat->minor = version_query_rd(xe, &bo->vmap, rd_offset, compat_major);
+	compat->patch = version_query_rd(xe, &bo->vmap, rd_offset, compat_minor);
-	xe_gt_info(gt, "found GSC cv%u.%u\n", compat->major, compat->minor);
+	xe_gt_info(gt, "found GSC cv%u.%u.%u\n", compat->major, compat->minor, compat->patch);
diff --git a/drivers/gpu/drm/xe/xe_uc_fw.c b/drivers/gpu/drm/xe/xe_uc_fw.c
index 41c4ac6ba42a..84956bdf635e 100644
--- a/drivers/gpu/drm/xe/xe_uc_fw.c
+++ b/drivers/gpu/drm/xe/xe_uc_fw.c
@@ -130,8 +130,8 @@ struct fw_blobs_by_type {
 /* for the GSC FW we match the compatibility version and not the release one */
 #define XE_GSC_FIRMWARE_DEFS(fw_def, major_ver)		\
-	fw_def(LUNARLAKE,	major_ver(xe,	gsc,	lnl,	1, 0, 0)) \
-	fw_def(METEORLAKE,	major_ver(i915,	gsc,	mtl,	1, 0, 0))
+	fw_def(LUNARLAKE,	major_ver(xe,	gsc,	lnl,	104, 1, 0)) \
+	fw_def(METEORLAKE,	major_ver(i915,	gsc,	mtl,	102, 1, 0))
 #define MAKE_FW_PATH(dir__, uc__, shortname__, version__)			\
 	__stringify(dir__) "/" __stringify(shortname__) "_" __stringify(uc__) version__ ".bin"
@@ -142,6 +142,8 @@ struct fw_blobs_by_type {
 	MAKE_FW_PATH(dir_, uc_, shortname_, "_" __stringify(a))
 #define fw_filename_no_ver(dir_, uc_, shortname_)				\
 	MAKE_FW_PATH(dir_, uc_, shortname_, "")
+#define fw_filename_gsc(dir_, uc_, shortname_, a, b, c)				\
+	MAKE_FW_PATH(dir_, uc_, shortname_, "_" __stringify(b))
 #define uc_fw_entry_mmp_ver(dir_, uc_, shortname_, a, b, c)			\
 	{ fw_filename_mmp_ver(dir_, uc_, shortname_, a, b, c),			\
@@ -152,6 +154,9 @@ struct fw_blobs_by_type {
 #define uc_fw_entry_no_ver(dir_, uc_, shortname_)				\
 	{ fw_filename_no_ver(dir_, uc_, shortname_),				\
 	  0, 0 }
+#define uc_fw_entry_gsc(dir_, uc_, shortname_, a, b, c)				\
+	{ fw_filename_gsc(dir_, uc_, shortname_, a, b, c),			\
+	  a, b, c }
 /* All blobs need to be declared via MODULE_FIRMWARE() */
 #define XE_UC_MODULE_FIRMWARE(platform__, fw_filename)				\
 		     fw_filename_mmp_ver, fw_filename_major_ver)
 		     fw_filename_mmp_ver, fw_filename_no_ver)
 static struct xe_gt *
 __uc_fw_to_gt(struct xe_uc_fw *uc_fw, enum xe_uc_fw_type type)
@@ -210,7 +215,7 @@ uc_fw_auto_select(struct xe_device *xe, struct xe_uc_fw *uc_fw)
 	static const struct uc_fw_entry entries_gsc[] = {
-		XE_GSC_FIRMWARE_DEFS(XE_UC_FW_ENTRY, uc_fw_entry_major_ver)
+		XE_GSC_FIRMWARE_DEFS(XE_UC_FW_ENTRY, uc_fw_entry_gsc)
 	static const struct fw_blobs_by_type blobs_all[XE_UC_FW_NUM_TYPES] = {
 		[XE_UC_FW_TYPE_GUC] = { entries_guc, ARRAY_SIZE(entries_guc) },

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