kmemleaks and our CI

Peter Senna Tschudin peter.senna at
Tue Dec 3 16:48:59 UTC 2024

Dear xe kernel driver developers,

I am looking into sane ways to integrate kmemleaks with our CI. By sane I mean ways that will help us find and fix leaks while not overwhelming us with noise and our DUTs with unnecessary load.

It came to my attention that we may be running _all_ our CI tests with kmemleak enabled and scanning. To me this has two problems. The first is that it slows down memory allocation and freeing, no big deal.

The second problem however, is that if all our CI tests are indeed running with kmemleak enabled and scanning, it means that we are not testing our drivers in a kernel without kmemleak. I don't have numbers, but I assume that a large portion of real world use cases will have kmemleak disabled.

Is it a problem to run all our CI tests with kmemleak enabled and scanning?



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