✓ CI.Patch_applied: success for drm/i915/hdcp: Create force_hdcp14 debug fs entry (rev3)

Patchwork patchwork at emeril.freedesktop.org
Thu Feb 13 08:32:39 UTC 2025

== Series Details ==

Series: drm/i915/hdcp: Create force_hdcp14 debug fs entry (rev3)
URL   : https://patchwork.freedesktop.org/series/144460/
State : success

== Summary ==

=== Applying kernel patches on branch 'drm-tip' with base: ===
Base commit: 29cb04108938 drm-tip: 2025y-02m-13d-08h-28m-09s UTC integration manifest
=== git am output follows ===
Applying: drm/i915/hdcp: Create force_hdcp14 debug fs entry

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