[PATCH v8 02/14] drm: Define ImageEnhancemenT LUT structures exposed to user

Kandpal, Suraj suraj.kandpal at intel.com
Fri Feb 14 09:11:36 UTC 2025

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Murthy, Arun R <arun.r.murthy at intel.com>
> Sent: Tuesday, January 28, 2025 9:21 PM
> To: intel-xe at lists.freedesktop.org; intel-gfx at lists.freedesktop.org; dri-
> devel at lists.freedesktop.org
> Cc: Kandpal, Suraj <suraj.kandpal at intel.com>; dmitry.baryshkov at linaro.org;
> Murthy, Arun R <arun.r.murthy at intel.com>
> Subject: [PATCH v8 02/14] drm: Define ImageEnhancemenT LUT structures
> exposed to user
> ImageEnhancemenT(IET) hardware interpolates the LUT value to generate the
> enhanced output image. LUT takes an input value, outputs a new value based
> on the data within the LUT. 1D LUT can remap individual input values to new
> output values based on the LUT sample. LUT can be interpolated by the
> hardware by multiple modes Ex: Direct Lookup LUT, Multiplicative LUT etc The
> list of supported mode by hardware along with the format(exponent
> mantissa) is exposed to user by the iet_lut_caps property. Maximum format
> being 8.24 i.e 8 exponent and 24 mantissa.
> For illustration a hardware supporting 1.9 format denotes this as 0x10001FF. In
> order to know the exponent do a bitwise AND with 0xF000000. The LUT value
> to be provided by user would be a 10bit value with 1 bit integer and 9 bit
> fractional value.
> Multiple formats can be supported, hence pointer is used over here.
> User can then provide the LUT with any one of the supported modes in any of
> the supported formats.
> The entries in the LUT can vary depending on the hardware capability with max
> being 255. This will also be exposed as iet_lut_caps so user can generate a LUT
> with the specified entries.
> v8: define enum for iet_mode, add more doc for iet modes (Dmitry)
> Signed-off-by: Arun R Murthy <arun.r.murthy at intel.com>
> ---
>  include/uapi/drm/drm_mode.h | 68
> +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
>  1 file changed, 68 insertions(+)
> diff --git a/include/uapi/drm/drm_mode.h b/include/uapi/drm/drm_mode.h
> index
> b8b7b18843ae7224263a9c61b20ac6cbf5df69e9..006be62218bf1e985c2ca6352
> cb04110a38d1e84 100644
> --- a/include/uapi/drm/drm_mode.h
> +++ b/include/uapi/drm/drm_mode.h
> @@ -1420,6 +1420,74 @@ struct drm_histogram {
>  	__u32 nr_elements;
>  };
> +/**
> + * enum drm_iet_mode
> + * LUT values are points on exponential graph with x axis and y-axis
> +y=f(x)
> + * This f(x) can be the algorithm, defined by the user space algorithm.
> + * When this LUT table is passed to the hardware it signifies how the
> +hardware
> + * should use this table to get the LUT values. In this mode its direct
> +lookup
> + * table. x-axis corresponds to input pixel value and y-axis
> +corresponds to
> + * the output pixel value.
> + *
> + * LUT values, x and y are points on negative exponential graph with
> + * x-axis and y-axis (y = y/x). The value passed by the user will be
> + * in y/x i.e OutPixel/InPixel. X co-ordinate proportional to pixel
> +value
> + * and Y-cordinate is the multiplier factor, i.e x-axis in pixels and
> + * y-axis is OutPixel/InPixel. so upon multiplying x, y is obtained,
> + * hence multiplicative.
> + * The format of LUT can at max be 8.24(8integer 24 fractional)
> + * represented by u32. 32bit is the container and if 16.16 is chosen
> + * then it doesn't make sense to boost the pixel by 2^16. Hence set
> +aside
> + * 8bit for integer 2^8 thereby boosting the pixel by a value 255 which
> + * itself is a huge boost factor. Remaining 24bits out of the 32bit
> + * container is fractional part. This is also optimal for implementing
> + * in the hardware.
> + * Depending on the hardware capability and exponent mantissa can be
> + * chosen within this limits.
> + */
> +enum drm_iet_mode {
> +};
> +
> +/**
> + * struct drm_iet_caps
> + *

Let's remove the space here

> + * @iet_mode: pixel factor enhancement modes defined in enum
> drm_iet_mode.
> + *	      Multiple modes can be supported by hardware, the value can be
> + *	      ORed.
> + * @iet_sample_format: holds the address of an array of u32 LUT sample
> formats
> + *		       depending on the hardware capability. Max being 8.24
> + *		       Doing a bitwise AND will get the present sample.
> + *		       Ex: for 1 integer 9 fraction AND with 0x10001FF
> + * @nr_iet_sample_formats: number of iet_sample_formsts supported by the
> + *			   hardware

Typo: formats

> + * @nr_iet_lut_entries: number of LUT entries  */ struct drm_iet_caps {
> +	__u32 iet_mode;

Again do we really need 32 bits for this 16 should suffice

Suraj Kandpal

> +	__u64 iet_sample_format;
> +	__u32 nr_iet_sample_formats;
> +	__u32 nr_iet_lut_entries;
> +};
> +
> +/**
> + * struct drm_iet_1dlut_sample
> + * @iet_lut: the address in the field describes the format of the data
> + *		corresponding to the @iet_mode
> + *		In case of direct lookup this is NULL, in case of
> + *		multiplicative mode LUT exponent and mantissa format.
> + * @nr_elements: number of entries pointed by the data @iet_lut
> + * @iet_mode: image enhancement mode, this will also convey the channel.
> + */
> +struct drm_iet_1dlut_sample {
> +	__u64 iet_lut;
> +	__u32 nr_elements;
> +	enum drm_iet_mode iet_mode;
> +};
> +
>  #if defined(__cplusplus)
>  }
>  #endif
> --
> 2.25.1

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