[PATCH v2 4/5] drm/xe/kunit: Update RTP tests with SR-IOV rules

Michal Wajdeczko michal.wajdeczko at intel.com
Tue Feb 25 15:09:00 UTC 2025

On 25.02.2025 04:10, Matt Roper wrote:
> On Tue, Feb 25, 2025 at 12:41:09AM +0100, Michal Wajdeczko wrote:
>> On 24.02.2025 23:55, Matt Roper wrote:
>>> On Mon, Feb 24, 2025 at 04:06:59PM +0100, Michal Wajdeczko wrote:
>>>> Add more test cases that verifies use of RTP SRIOV() rules in
>>>> driver running as native, PF and VF mode.
>>>> Signed-off-by: Michal Wajdeczko <michal.wajdeczko at intel.com>
>>>> Cc: Lucas De Marchi <lucas.demarchi at intel.com>
>>>> ---
>>>>  drivers/gpu/drm/xe/tests/xe_rtp_test.c | 112 ++++++++++++++++++++++++-
>>>>  1 file changed, 111 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)
>>>> diff --git a/drivers/gpu/drm/xe/tests/xe_rtp_test.c b/drivers/gpu/drm/xe/tests/xe_rtp_test.c
>>>> index 36a3b5420fef..b21474df933e 100644
>>>> --- a/drivers/gpu/drm/xe/tests/xe_rtp_test.c
>>>> +++ b/drivers/gpu/drm/xe/tests/xe_rtp_test.c
>>>> @@ -45,6 +45,8 @@ struct rtp_to_sr_test_case {
>>>>  struct rtp_test_case {
>>>>  	const char *name;
>>>>  	unsigned long expected_active;
>>>> +	unsigned long expected_active_pf;
>>>> +	unsigned long expected_active_vf;
>>>>  	const struct xe_rtp_entry *entries;
>>>>  };
>>>> @@ -469,6 +471,89 @@ static const struct rtp_test_case rtp_cases[] = {
>>>>  	},
>>>>  };
>>>> +static const struct rtp_test_case sriov_cases[] = {
>>>> +	{
>>>> +		.name = "non_vf",
>>>> +		.expected_active = BIT(0) | BIT(1),
>>>> +		.expected_active_pf = BIT(0) | BIT(1),
>>>> +		.expected_active_vf = 0,
>>>> +		.entries = (const struct xe_rtp_entry[]) {
>>>> +			{ XE_RTP_NAME("and"),
>>>> +			  XE_RTP_RULES(FUNC(match_yes)),
>>>> +			},
>>>> +			{ XE_RTP_NAME("or"),
>>>> +			  XE_RTP_RULES(FUNC(match_no), OR,
>>>> +				       FUNC(match_yes)),
>>>> +			},
>>>> +			{}
>>>> +		},
>>>> +	},
>>>> +	{
>>>> +		.name = "vf_ready",
>>>> +		.expected_active = BIT(0) | BIT(1),
>>>> +		.expected_active_pf = BIT(0) | BIT(1),
>>>> +		.expected_active_vf = BIT(0) | BIT(1),
>>>> +		.entries = (const struct xe_rtp_entry[]) {
>>>> +			{ XE_RTP_NAME("and"),
>>>> +			  XE_RTP_RULES(FUNC(match_yes), SRIOV(VF_READY)),
>>>> +			},
>>>> +			{ XE_RTP_NAME("or"),
>>>> +			  XE_RTP_RULES(FUNC(match_no), OR,
>>>> +				       FUNC(match_yes), SRIOV(VF_READY)),
>>>> +			},
>>>> +			{}
>>>> +		},
>>>> +	},
>>>> +	{
>>>> +		.name = "vf_only",
>>>> +		.expected_active = 0,
>>>> +		.expected_active_pf = 0,
>>>> +		.expected_active_vf = BIT(0) | BIT(1),
>>>> +		.entries = (const struct xe_rtp_entry[]) {
>>>> +			{ XE_RTP_NAME("and"),
>>>> +			  XE_RTP_RULES(FUNC(match_yes), SRIOV(VF_ONLY)),
>>>> +			},
>>>> +			{ XE_RTP_NAME("or"),
>>>> +			  XE_RTP_RULES(FUNC(match_no), OR,
>>>> +				       FUNC(match_yes), SRIOV(VF_ONLY)),
>>>> +			},
>>>> +			{}
>>>> +		},
>>>> +	},
>>>> +	{
>>>> +		.name = "pf_only",
>>>> +		.expected_active = 0,
>>>> +		.expected_active_pf = BIT(0) | BIT(1),
>>>> +		.expected_active_vf = 0,
>>>> +		.entries = (const struct xe_rtp_entry[]) {
>>>> +			{ XE_RTP_NAME("and"),
>>>> +			  XE_RTP_RULES(FUNC(match_yes), SRIOV(PF_ONLY)),
>>>> +			},
>>>> +			{ XE_RTP_NAME("or"),
>>>> +			  XE_RTP_RULES(FUNC(match_no), OR,
>>>> +				       FUNC(match_yes), SRIOV(PF_ONLY)),
>>>> +			},
>>>> +			{}
>>>> +		},
>>>> +	},
>>>> +	{
>>>> +		.name = "sriov_only",
>>>> +		.expected_active = 0,
>>>> +		.expected_active_pf = BIT(0) | BIT(1),
>>>> +		.expected_active_vf = BIT(0) | BIT(1),
>>>> +		.entries = (const struct xe_rtp_entry[]) {
>>>> +			{ XE_RTP_NAME("and"),
>>>> +			  XE_RTP_RULES(FUNC(match_yes), SRIOV(ONLY)),
>>>> +			},
>>>> +			{ XE_RTP_NAME("or"),
>>>> +			  XE_RTP_RULES(FUNC(match_no), OR,
>>>> +				       FUNC(match_yes), SRIOV(ONLY)),
>>>> +			},
>>>> +			{}
>>>> +		},
>>>> +	},
>>>> +};
>>>> +
>>>>  static void xe_rtp_process_tests(struct kunit *test)
>>>>  {
>>>>  	const struct rtp_test_case *param = test->param_value;
>>>> @@ -483,7 +568,28 @@ static void xe_rtp_process_tests(struct kunit *test)
>>>>  	xe_rtp_process_ctx_enable_active_tracking(&ctx, &active, count_rtp_entries);
>>>>  	xe_rtp_process(&ctx, param->entries);
>>>> -	KUNIT_EXPECT_EQ(test, active, param->expected_active);
>>>> +	if (IS_SRIOV_PF(xe))
>>> The xe here is a mock device (from drm_kunit_helper_alloc_device).
>>> Won't these SRIOV tests require something extra in
>>> xe_pci_fake_device_init() to ever be SRIOV-enabled?  Or am I overlooking
>>> something?
>> yes ;)
>> see xe_rtp_process_tests_{pf,vf} below, where we convert mock xe to be
>> PF or VF by explicitly altering xe->sriov.__mode
> Oops, yeah.  Somehow I completely overlooked that part.
> I'm not sure if we'll ever need to add more entries to xe_rtp_tests[],
> but should we switch the mode back to native at the end of those
> functions to prevent any subsequent tests from inheriting unexpected VF
> behavior?


every test case in the rtp test suite is getting its own freshly
allocated xe instance, see:

  xe = xe_kunit_helper_alloc_xe_device(test, dev)
  test->priv = xe

> Matt
>>> Matt
>>>> +		KUNIT_EXPECT_EQ(test, active, param->expected_active_pf);
>>>> +	else if (IS_SRIOV_VF(xe))
>>>> +		KUNIT_EXPECT_EQ(test, active, param->expected_active_vf);
>>>> +	else
>>>> +		KUNIT_EXPECT_EQ(test, active, param->expected_active);
>>>> +}
>>>> +
>>>> +static void xe_rtp_process_tests_pf(struct kunit *test)
>>>> +{
>>>> +	struct xe_device *xe = test->priv;
>>>> +
>>>> +	xe->sriov.__mode = XE_SRIOV_MODE_PF;
>>>> +	xe_rtp_process_tests(test);
>>>> +}
>>>> +
>>>> +static void xe_rtp_process_tests_vf(struct kunit *test)
>>>> +{
>>>> +	struct xe_device *xe = test->priv;
>>>> +
>>>> +	xe->sriov.__mode = XE_SRIOV_MODE_VF;
>>>> +	xe_rtp_process_tests(test);
>>>>  }
>>>>  static void rtp_to_sr_desc(const struct rtp_to_sr_test_case *t, char *desc)
>>>> @@ -499,6 +605,7 @@ static void rtp_desc(const struct rtp_test_case *t, char *desc)
>>>>  }
>>>>  KUNIT_ARRAY_PARAM(rtp, rtp_cases, rtp_desc);
>>>> +KUNIT_ARRAY_PARAM(sriov, sriov_cases, rtp_desc);
>>>>  static int xe_rtp_test_init(struct kunit *test)
>>>>  {
>>>> @@ -533,6 +640,9 @@ static void xe_rtp_test_exit(struct kunit *test)
>>>>  static struct kunit_case xe_rtp_tests[] = {
>>>>  	KUNIT_CASE_PARAM(xe_rtp_process_to_sr_tests, rtp_to_sr_gen_params),
>>>>  	KUNIT_CASE_PARAM(xe_rtp_process_tests, rtp_gen_params),
>>>> +	KUNIT_CASE_PARAM(xe_rtp_process_tests, sriov_gen_params),
>>>> +	KUNIT_CASE_PARAM(xe_rtp_process_tests_pf, sriov_gen_params),
>>>> +	KUNIT_CASE_PARAM(xe_rtp_process_tests_vf, sriov_gen_params),
>>>>  	{}
>>>>  };
>>>> -- 
>>>> 2.47.1

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