[PATCH 1/3] drm/xe/guc: move KLV helpers to common file

John Harrison john.c.harrison at intel.com
Sat Mar 1 01:55:47 UTC 2025

On 2/28/2025 14:21, Daniele Ceraolo Spurio wrote:
> On 2/28/2025 1:47 PM, Michal Wajdeczko wrote:
>> On 28.02.2025 00:59, Daniele Ceraolo Spurio wrote:
>>> On 2/27/2025 3:29 PM, Michal Wajdeczko wrote:
>>>> On 27.02.2025 02:05, Daniele Ceraolo Spurio wrote:
>>>>> The GuC uses the same format for all its KLVs, so having the 
>>>>> functions
>>>>> to set them in a common file will allow us to re-use it for different
>>>>> types of KLVs and not just the WAs in ADS.
>>>>> The next patch will make use of these functions for a new H2G 
>>>>> command.
>>>>> Signed-off-by: Daniele Ceraolo Spurio 
>>>>> <daniele.ceraolospurio at intel.com>
>>>>> Cc: John Harrison <John.C.Harrison at Intel.com>
>>>>> ---
>>>>>    drivers/gpu/drm/xe/xe_guc_ads.c         | 89 
>>>>> ++++++-------------------
>>>>>    drivers/gpu/drm/xe/xe_guc_klv_helpers.c | 62 +++++++++++++++++
>>>>>    drivers/gpu/drm/xe/xe_guc_klv_helpers.h |  7 ++
>>>>>    3 files changed, 89 insertions(+), 69 deletions(-)
>>>>> diff --git a/drivers/gpu/drm/xe/xe_guc_ads.c b/drivers/gpu/drm/xe/
>>>>> xe_guc_ads.c
>>>>> index fab259adc380..ed3304a11812 100644
>>>>> --- a/drivers/gpu/drm/xe/xe_guc_ads.c
>>>>> +++ b/drivers/gpu/drm/xe/xe_guc_ads.c
>>>>> @@ -22,6 +22,7 @@
>>>>>    #include "xe_guc.h"
>>>>>    #include "xe_guc_capture.h"
>>>>>    #include "xe_guc_ct.h"
>>>>> +#include "xe_guc_klv_helpers.h"
>>>>>    #include "xe_hw_engine.h"
>>>>>    #include "xe_lrc.h"
>>>>>    #include "xe_map.h"
>>>>> @@ -283,56 +284,6 @@ static size_t calculate_golden_lrc_size(struct
>>>>> xe_guc_ads *ads)
>>>>>        return total_size;
>>>>>    }
>>>>>    -static void guc_waklv_enable_one_word(struct xe_guc_ads *ads,
>>>>> -                      enum xe_guc_klv_ids klv_id,
>>>>> -                      u32 value,
>>>>> -                      u32 *offset, u32 *remain)
>>>>> -{
>>>>> -    u32 size;
>>>>> -    u32 klv_entry[] = {
>>>>> -        /* 16:16 key/length */
>>>>> -        FIELD_PREP(GUC_KLV_0_KEY, klv_id) |
>>>>> -        FIELD_PREP(GUC_KLV_0_LEN, 1),
>>>>> -        value,
>>>>> -        /* 1 dword data */
>>>>> -    };
>>>>> -
>>>>> -    size = sizeof(klv_entry);
>>>>> -
>>>>> -    if (*remain < size) {
>>>>> -        drm_warn(&ads_to_xe(ads)->drm,
>>>>> -             "w/a klv buffer too small to add klv id %d\n", klv_id);
>>>>> -    } else {
>>>>> -        xe_map_memcpy_to(ads_to_xe(ads), ads_to_map(ads), *offset,
>>>>> -                 klv_entry, size);
>>>>> -        *offset += size;
>>>>> -        *remain -= size;
>>>>> -    }
>>>>> -}
>>>>> -
>>>>> -static void guc_waklv_enable_simple(struct xe_guc_ads *ads,
>>>>> -                    enum xe_guc_klv_ids klv_id, u32 *offset, u32
>>>>> *remain)
>>>>> -{
>>>>> -    u32 klv_entry[] = {
>>>>> -        /* 16:16 key/length */
>>>>> -        FIELD_PREP(GUC_KLV_0_KEY, klv_id) |
>>>>> -        FIELD_PREP(GUC_KLV_0_LEN, 0),
>>>>> -        /* 0 dwords data */
>>>>> -    };
>>>>> -    u32 size;
>>>>> -
>>>>> -    size = sizeof(klv_entry);
>>>>> -
>>>>> -    if (xe_gt_WARN(ads_to_gt(ads), *remain < size,
>>>>> -               "w/a klv buffer too small to add klv id %d\n", 
>>>>> klv_id))
>>>>> -        return;
>>>>> -
>>>>> -    xe_map_memcpy_to(ads_to_xe(ads), ads_to_map(ads), *offset,
>>>>> -             klv_entry, size);
>>>>> -    *offset += size;
>>>>> -    *remain -= size;
>>>>> -}
>>>>> -
>>>>>    static void guc_waklv_init(struct xe_guc_ads *ads)
>>>>>    {
>>>>>        struct xe_gt *gt = ads_to_gt(ads);
>>>>> @@ -343,22 +294,22 @@ static void guc_waklv_init(struct xe_guc_ads 
>>>>> *ads)
>>>>>        remain = guc_ads_waklv_size(ads);
>>>>>          if (XE_WA(gt, 14019882105))
>>>>> -        guc_waklv_enable_simple(ads,
>>>>> -
>>>>> -                    &offset, &remain);
>>>>> +        xe_guc_klv_enable_simple(ads_to_guc(ads), ads_to_map(ads),
>>>>> +
>>>>> +                     &offset, &remain);
>>>>>        if (XE_WA(gt, 18024947630))
>>>>> -        guc_waklv_enable_simple(ads,
>>>>> -                    &offset, &remain);
>>>>> +        xe_guc_klv_enable_simple(ads_to_guc(ads), ads_to_map(ads),
>>>>> +                     &offset, &remain);
>>>>>        if (XE_WA(gt, 16022287689))
>>>>> -        guc_waklv_enable_simple(ads,
>>>>> -
>>>>> -                    &offset, &remain);
>>>>> +        xe_guc_klv_enable_simple(ads_to_guc(ads), ads_to_map(ads),
>>>>> +
>>>>> +                     &offset, &remain);
>>>>>          if (XE_WA(gt, 14022866841))
>>>>> -        guc_waklv_enable_simple(ads,
>>>>> -                    &offset, &remain);
>>>>> +        xe_guc_klv_enable_simple(ads_to_guc(ads), ads_to_map(ads),
>>>>> +                     &offset, &remain);
>>>>>          /*
>>>>>         * On RC6 exit, GuC will write register 0xB04 with the default
>>>>> value provided. As of now,
>>>>> @@ -366,15 +317,15 @@ static void guc_waklv_init(struct xe_guc_ads 
>>>>> *ads)
>>>>>         * future, so GuC depends on KMD to send it the correct value.
>>>>>         */
>>>>>        if (XE_WA(gt, 13011645652))
>>>>> -        guc_waklv_enable_one_word(ads,
>>>>> -
>>>>> -                      0xC40,
>>>>> -                      &offset, &remain);
>>>>> +        xe_guc_klv_enable_one_word(ads_to_guc(ads), ads_to_map(ads),
>>>>> +
>>>>> +                       0xC40,
>>>>> +                       &offset, &remain);
>>>>>          if (XE_WA(gt, 14022293748) || XE_WA(gt, 22019794406))
>>>>> -        guc_waklv_enable_simple(ads,
>>>>> -
>>>>> -                    &offset, &remain);
>>>>> +        xe_guc_klv_enable_simple(ads_to_guc(ads), ads_to_map(ads),
>>>>> +
>>>>> +                     &offset, &remain);
>>>>>          size = guc_ads_waklv_size(ads) - remain;
>>>>>        if (!size)
>>>>> diff --git a/drivers/gpu/drm/xe/xe_guc_klv_helpers.c b/drivers/gpu/
>>>>> drm/xe/xe_guc_klv_helpers.c
>>>>> index 146a6eda9e06..50eab2086ee3 100644
>>>>> --- a/drivers/gpu/drm/xe/xe_guc_klv_helpers.c
>>>>> +++ b/drivers/gpu/drm/xe/xe_guc_klv_helpers.c
>>>>> @@ -7,8 +7,11 @@
>>>>>    #include <drm/drm_print.h>
>>>>>      #include "abi/guc_klvs_abi.h"
>>>>> +#include "xe_gt_printk.h"
>>>>> +#include "xe_guc.h"
>>>>>    #include "xe_guc_klv_helpers.h"
>>>>>    #include "xe_guc_klv_thresholds_set.h"
>>>>> +#include "xe_map.h"
>>>>>      #define make_u64(hi, lo) ((u64)((u64)(u32)(hi) << 32 | 
>>>>> (u32)(lo)))
>>>>>    @@ -146,3 +149,62 @@ int xe_guc_klv_count(const u32 *klvs, u32
>>>>> num_dwords)
>>>>>          return num_dwords ? -ENODATA : num_klvs;
>>>>>    }
>>>>> +
>>>>> +static void emit_klv(struct xe_guc *guc, struct iosys_map *map, u32
>>>>> *klv_entry,
>>>>> +             u32 size, u32 *offset, u32 *remain)
>>>> s/klv_entry/klv
>>>> s/size/num_dwords
>>>> KLVs are always u32 aligned
>>>> 'size/offset/remain' all should be in dwords
>>> That would mean having to convert back and forth between u8 and u32:
>>> - allocation is in u8 aligned
>>> - params to this function would be u32 aligned
>> but for generic KLV functions it doesn't make sense to pass u8 sizes
>> and we should aim to define function signatures that enforce proper 
>> logic
>>> - xe_map_memcpy_to below needs u8 alignment, so convert back
>>> - the GuC expects a u8 aligned size, so need to convert remain back 
>>> to u8
>> that looks like a mistake done in this action definition, since all
>> initial actions that introduced KLV concept (like UPDATE_VGT_POLICY,
>> UPDATE_VF_CFG) were defined to operate on dwords as size
> This is an ADS entry and all ADS blocks are offset/size. The new H2G 
> command (in next patch) is indeed dword aligned, but it still seems 
> simpler to just have a single "offset / 4" that multiple conversions 
> back and forth.
I agree that avoiding multiple conversions is best.

The data itself might be in 32-bit chunks but all the KMD operations are 
in bytes - allocation, memcpy, etc. So adding extra conversions seems 
unnecessary and will just make the code less readable and more error prone.

>>> Just using u8 everywhere seems simpler instead of converting back and
>>> forth.
>>>> this will also match rest of functions in this file
>>>>> +{
>>>>> +    if (xe_gt_WARN(guc_to_gt(guc), *remain < size,
>>>> do we need xe_gt_WARN in production?
>>>> maybe xe_gt_assert will suffice?
>>> I've kept this the same as what was in the original function. Not sure
>>> why it was xe_gt_WARN instead of assert.
>>>>> +               "klv buffer too small to add klv id 0x%04x\n",
>>>> s/klv/KLV
>>>>> + FIELD_GET(GUC_KLV_0_KEY, klv_entry[0])))
>>>>> +        return;
>>>>> +
>>>>> +    xe_map_memcpy_to(guc_to_xe(guc), map, *offset, klv_entry, size);
>>>>> +    *offset += size;
>>>>> +    *remain -= size;
>>>>> +}
>>>>> +
>>>>> +/**
>>>>> + * xe_guc_klv_enable_simple - Emits a KLV with no data to an iosys
>>>>> mapped buffer
>>>>> + * @guc: the guc structure
>>>>> + * @map: the iosys_map to write to
>>>>> + * @klv_id: the KLV to enable
>>>> key ? there is no Len nor Value
>>>> this will follow other functions in this file
>>> ok, will rename.
>>>>> + * @offset: pointer to a variable holding the offset to write to
>>>>> + * @remain: pointer to a variable holding the remaining writing
>>>>> space available
>>>>> + *
>>>>> + * The function checks if there is enough space to emit a KLV with
>>>>> no data and
>>>>> + * if so writes it to memory. After the write, the offset and remain
>>>>> variables
>>>>> + * are respectively increased and decreased of the written size to
>>>>> be ready for
>>>>> + * the next emission.
>>>>> + */
>>>>> +void xe_guc_klv_enable_simple(struct xe_guc *guc, struct iosys_map
>>>>> *map,
>>>>> +                  u16 klv_id, u32 *offset, u32 *remain)
>>>>> +{
>>>>> +    u32 klv_entry = PREP_GUC_KLV(klv_id, 0);
>>>>      u32 klv[] = { PREP_GUC_KLV(key, 0) };
>>>>      emit(... ARRAY_SIZE(klv)
>>> Why? this function is specifically targeted to writing a single u32, 
>>> why
>>> write it as a u32[1]?
>>>>> +
>>>>> +    emit_klv(guc, map, &klv_entry, sizeof(klv_entry), offset, 
>>>>> remain);
>>>>> +}
>>>>> +
>>>>> +/**
>>>>> + * xe_guc_klv_enable_one_word - Emits a KLV with 1 DW data to an
>>>>> iosys mapped buffer
>>>>> + * @guc: the guc structure
>>>>> + * @map: the iosys_map to write to
>>>>> + * @klv_id: the KLV to enable
>>>> s/klv_id/key
>>>>> + * @value: the data associated with the KLV
>>>>> + * @offset: pointer to a variable holding the offset to write to
>>>>> + * @remain: pointer to a variable holding the remaining writing
>>>>> space available
>>>>> + *
>>>>> + * The function checks if there is enough space to emit a KLV with 1
>>>>> DW data and
>>>>> + * if so writes it to memory. After the write, the offset and remain
>>>>> variables
>>>>> + * are respectively increased and decreased of the written size to
>>>>> be ready for
>>>>> + * the next emission.
>>>>> + */
>>>>> +void xe_guc_klv_enable_one_word(struct xe_guc *guc, struct iosys_map
>>>>> *map,
>>>>> +                u16 klv_id, u32 value, u32 *offset, u32 *remain)
>>>>> +{
>>>>> +    u32 klv_entry[] = {
>>>>> +        PREP_GUC_KLV(klv_id, 1),
>>>>> +        value,
>>>>> +    };
>>>>> +
>>>>> +    emit_klv(guc, map, klv_entry, sizeof(klv_entry), offset, 
>>>>> remain);
>>>>> +}
>>>>> diff --git a/drivers/gpu/drm/xe/xe_guc_klv_helpers.h b/drivers/gpu/
>>>>> drm/xe/xe_guc_klv_helpers.h
>>>>> index c676d21c173b..231f7c4b0947 100644
>>>>> --- a/drivers/gpu/drm/xe/xe_guc_klv_helpers.h
>>>>> +++ b/drivers/gpu/drm/xe/xe_guc_klv_helpers.h
>>>>> @@ -10,6 +10,8 @@
>>>>>    #include <linux/types.h>
>>>>>      struct drm_printer;
>>>>> +struct iosys_map;
>>>>> +struct xe_guc;
>>>>>      const char *xe_guc_klv_key_to_string(u16 key);
>>>>>    @@ -61,4 +63,9 @@ int xe_guc_klv_count(const u32 *klvs, u32
>>>>> num_dwords);
>>>>>    #define PREP_GUC_KLV_TAG(TAG) \
>>>>>    +void xe_guc_klv_enable_simple(struct xe_guc *guc, struct 
>>>>> iosys_map
>>>>> *map,
>>>>> +                  u16 klv_id, u32 *offset, u32 *remain);
>>>>> +void xe_guc_klv_enable_one_word(struct xe_guc *guc, struct iosys_map
>>>>> *map,
>>>>> +                u16 klv_id, u32 value, u32 *offset, u32 *remain);
>>>> hmm, "enable" does not fit here, maybe:
>>>> xe_guc_klv_emit_empty / no_data / no_value
>>>> xe_guc_klv_emit_dword
>>> emit_nodata should work.
>>>> and those should be inlines that use:
>>>> void xe_guc_klv_emit_simple(
>>>>      struct xe_guc *guc,
>>>>      struct iosys_map *map,
>>>>      u16 key, u16 len, const u32 *klv,
>>>>      u32 *offset, u32 *remain);
>>>> like:
>>>> inline xe_guc_klv_emit_simple_empty(.. key ..)
>>>> {
>>>>      xe_guc_klv_emit_simple(.. key, 0, NULL, ..);
>>>> }
>>>> inline xe_guc_klv_emit_simple_dword(.. key, value ..)
>>>> {
>>>>      xe_guc_klv_emit_simple(.. key, 1, &value, ..);
>>>> }
>>> This seems to just make things harder. xe_guc_klv_emit_simple() would
>>> need to handle the case where we have data differently from the case
>>> where we don't, potentially with 2 separate memcpys (one always done 
>>> for
>> this isn't on the hot path so I would prefer avoid code duplication over
>> perf optimization
> This isn't about a perf optimization, it is about keeping the code 
> simple. The only duplication is between:
> u32 klv_entry = PREP_GUC_KLV(klv_id, 0);
> and
> u32 klv_entry[] = {
>         PREP_GUC_KLV(klv_id, 1),
>         value,
> };
> Which is minimal, but it keeps the common code much simpler as it 
> doesn't have to handle optional parameters.
>>> the key and one optional for the data). I really don't see the benefit
>>> when the current approach still makes most of the code common in
>>> emit_klv() and only has separate arrays. Also, that wouldn't be a
>>> "simple" emission anymore since it'd handle all the possible cases, so
>>> the naming also wouldn't fit.
>> but the goal is to have helper function to 'emit KLVs', so the 'simple'
>> here means help in building and emit of the proper KLV-header based on
>> the provided key/len params, followed by emit of value (as dwords)
> The "simple" here was in reference to the fact that there was no data, 
> as compared against the emit_dword.
>> and while your current case is only KLV with 0 or 1 dword, nothing
>> prevents us from implementing generic helper, and satisfying your need
>> with trivial wrappers for 0/1 case
> I'll give it a try and see how it looks, but it really seems like 
> we're over-engineering this by introducing an helper that can handle 
> cases that we don't have.
I agree with Daniele. There is no need to overcomplicate things to 
support use cases that don't exist.

And yes, the 'simple' meant no data. So calling a function 
'simple_dword' is broken and 'simple_empty' is redundant! We could maybe 
drop the 'enable' part if the helpers might be used for other KLV 
purposes at some point. But it would just be 'xe_guc_klv_add_simple' and 
'xe_guc_klv_add_one_word'. If you really thing the use of 'simple' is 
ambiguous or confusing then maybe 'xe_guc_klv_add_empty' instead but 
that sounds odd to me.


> Daniele
>>> Daniele
>>>>> +
>>>>>    #endif

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