[kmscon-devel] ctrl arrow keys not working in kmscon virtual consoles

Benoît benoit at neviani.fr
Fri Nov 11 23:41:44 UTC 2016

On Fri, Nov 11, 2016 at 09:59:53PM +0200, Ran Benita wrote:
>On Fri, Nov 11, 2016 at 08:17:38PM +0100, Benoît wrote:
>> On Fri, Nov 11, 2016 at 08:13:27PM +0200, Ran Benita wrote:
>> > From a quick check, it does not appear that the linux VT supports 
>> >this
>> > feature either.
>> Yes I have tested and it is working, I am able to differentiate arrow 
>> up and
>> control arrow up, I have been able to confirm adding this :
>> keycode 103 = Up
>> control keycode 103 = acircumflex
>This changes the kernel console keymap -- the same approach would work
>for kmscon as well, by modifying the XKB keymap. But I do not think the
>kernel supports the xterm feature. I tested it simply by running `cat`
>and typing Ctrl+Up and seeing that the modifier part is not echoed.

I am interested to know how and what did you modify, I guess it is
/usr/share/X11/xkb/symbols/fr on my case ?

I don"t find a simple way like in VT, if you have an idea of the synthax
I can try to replicate on my system to see if this is working would be
wonderful and perhaps fix my issue :)

>> > I am interested though in what is your usecase for this - which 
>> > program
>> > do you use which interprets these modifiers?
>> I am using mutt for my email client and to scroll into my mails I am 
>> using
>> up / down arrows and to scroll into my mails folder (sidebar) I am 
>> using
>> ctrl up and ctrl down as it is quick to access.
>I also happen to use mutt. Can you show how this bindings look like in
>muttrc? I wonder if mutt indeed uses the modifiers from the escape
>sequence, or something else. But I am too lazy to check.

Sure, this is the interesting part of muttrc :

bind index,pager \CE sidebar-open
bind index,pager <C-Down> sidebar-next
bind index,pager <C-Up> sidebar-prev
bind pager <up> previous-line
bind pager <down> next-line

As you can see I ctrl + e to open a mailbox, up/down arrow to navigate
into the emails and ctrl up/ctrl down to navigate in sidebar (mailboxes)

>> Just for my information, is it a main rewrite on the program or some 
>> line to
>> add to interpret the crontrol action?
>I am not sure, but I *think* it would involve:
>- Researching exactly under which conditions the modifiers should be
>  added.
>- Adding the code to produce the modifiers, something like the vte code
>  I linked to.
>The relevant source file is this:
>> I also noticed that my ^/¨ key is not working on kmscom and if I use 
>> oss
>> variant it is working but not on the top of letter like â or ê, for 
>> that I
>> need to do an Alt Gr + a or Alt Gr + e.
>> Not a big deal but for information.
>I'm not sure I understand this sentence, but I think you are missing
>Compose support. Unfortunately kmscon does not support that either,
>but there is a patch available here if you are so inclined, see here:

Thanks, I have to check if it is the issue as the strange thing is that
only '^' and '¨' are the issues all the rest are ok.

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