[LDTP-Dev] Plz Clarify the LDTP commands

jpremkumar jpremkumar at novell.com
Tue Oct 4 02:50:11 PDT 2005

Hi Saravana,

I have addressed the following queries put forth by you. Correct me if I
am wrong or if I am missing something.

> 1. In the Table functions doe we have a clickcell() which performs a
> click on the particular cell. This would help in case a table with cells
> having radio buttons or check boxes is present in Application Under Test
> (AUT).
     Currently, LDTP does not support 'click' mouse event on table
cells. But for the scenarios that you have mentioned like handling cells
with radio button or check boxes, we have checkrow and uncheckrow APIs.
Please refer this page http://gnomebangalore.org/ldtp/index.php/Checkrow
for more info on this.

> 2. Can I perform a double click, right click on any component or
> window? 
    Currently, we support only double click event. For information on this please refer
http://gnomebangalore.org/ldtp/index.php/Doubleclick. We are planning to provide other 
mouse related events also in the near future.

> 3. I can find functions like guiexists() and windowexists(), but I
> learnt as per the explanation provided that they both serve the same
> purpose. Can I get the clarification, if this is intended to be so? Btw,
> is there any other functions where I can check if the given component on
> the given window exists? (some thing like this to check if "BtnOk"
> button is present in the "DlgSaveWindow")
     In this case, guiexists API is suggested mostly as this makes use of 
Accessibility. I am not sure about windowexists API. Anybody else can pitch 
in and provide us the clear difference ?.
     There is no function available to check whether a given component
is available or not. But if the patch submitted for bug 317797 is
accepted, the getcomponentlist API in that patch can be used to get the 
entire list of components in that window and we can check if a
particular component is available in the obtained list.

> 4. Can I get the total number of coloumns in the specified table? (some
> thing like getcolcount() )
	Looking at the API getrowcount one gets the feeling that getcolumncount
is also meaningful. May be we can provide them in the future. Nagappan,
any thoughts on this?
> 5. I learnt that typekey() will help me to key in the inputs to the
> components in the application. How do I shift the current focus to a
> particular component in the application? In WRAFS we have something like
> T, WINDOW, COMPONENT, INPUTKEYS, "Some Text to Input".  This will set
> the current focus to the specified COMPONENT in the given WINDOW and
> then key in the given text. Is there a  function similar to this in
> LDTP? Incase No, Can we have some thing like this so that the user need
> not set the focus to the component explicitly before keying in the
> input, as the default action before keying in is to set the focus on the
> desired component. Does grabfocus() serves this purpose? 
          I think grabfocus() will serve the purpose but with the
limitation that the window should be in focus. We are working on this,
to provide an API to set the focus to a particular window. If anybody is
interested in contributing in this, you are most welcome.

> 6. Can I maximize, minimize, restore the specified window?
        Currently we dont have APIs to address these, but this is
certainly in the todo list. I think Nirmal is working on this. May be he
can help us here.

> 7. Can I launch the web browser and also sepecify the url ( zsome thing
> StartWebBrowser("http://forge.novell.com", "mozilla") )?
        Currently, no such API is available. But I dont think it is
necessary as LDTP is mainly for firing user interface events like select
menu, set value of text etc., I dont think an API like this will be that
much helpful.

> . In selectindex ('dlgName', 'cmbName', <index>) in ComboBoxFunctions.
> Is the index o-based or 1-based?
       It is 0-based. But the current implementation seems to have some bug.
We have to fix it.

Premkumar J

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