[LDTP-Dev] LDTP :: Summer of Code Status :: Instructions to run test scripts

Harishankaran K sp2hari at gmail.com
Fri Aug 24 20:13:22 PDT 2007


Updates about Summer Of Code.
30 test scripts are working fine without any issue :). Will try to
make that number 50 during this weekend :) :).

The scripts can be downloaded from

Things to be modified when you run your script in your environment are.
1. In the file firefox.xml, change the value of <filepath> for so that
it points the file called index.html in the folder called data in your
scripts directory.

Let me give a detailed HOW TO for running these scripts.

1. First, LDTP must be installed in your system.
The CVS page in ldtp.freedesktop.org provides the instructions for
getting the LDTP code through CVS.

Note : I had a small issue compiling the code which i got from CVS.
While using ./configure it gave me an error saying

./configure: line 3998: syntax error near unexpected token `LIBXML2,'
./configure: line 3998: `PKG_CHECK_MODULES(LIBXML2,  libxml-2.0 >= 2.0.0)'

The above error is because autoconf and pkg-conf are installed at two
different locations. For more details check

So i used this package which compiled without any issue :).
For more details on how to install, check here.

2. Enable Accessibility from  gnome-control-center

3. Download and start Firefox3.0a*pre from
ftp://ftp.mozilla.org/pub/mozilla.org/firefox/nightly/latest-trunk  (
Any  FF3.0 alpha release should  work, though with FF3.0a8pre, it is
tested throughly.
Note :: When you start firefox, make sure you don't have any other
instance of firefox running.

4.Run the command

hari at home:~/soc/tinderbox$ ldtprunner run.xml

If you have set LDTP_DEBUG=1 in your shell, then it will show lots of
output. Don't get scared. It only means things are working fine :)
Note :: You can also work with LDTP_DEBUG unset, if you want a "clean" output.

Once that command is executed, then it will run the test cases
provided in the  run.xml.

A file called log.xml gives the details about the test cases run. The
last three lines in the log file should be like this if the test case
ran properly for all the 30 test cases provided.

<groupsstatus total="30" pass="30" fail="0"/>

The screen record video on Solaris 11 is given can be viewed from here.

The current status of the test cases can be viewed from here.


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