[LDTP-Dev] The strangest error
Ara Pulido
ara at ubuntu.com
Wed Sep 24 05:24:08 PDT 2008
Hello folks,
I have the strangest error, ever.
In Gnome there is an applet, system-config-printer-applet, which is
provided in Ubuntu (and I guess in Debian as well) by
system-config-printer-gnome package.
If I try to script something that just opens the application and waits
for existance, it works perfectly well in Intrepid Alpha-1. It didn't
work in Hardy, but it works in Intrepid Alpha-1.
The strange thing is that for Intrepid Alpha-6 it does not work, and the
LDTP version and AT-SPI version are the same.
Intrepid Alpha-6 is now in the Ubuntu repositories [1]
I have uploaded Alpha-1 to a temporal repository [2], just in case you
want to investigate any further.
Can anyone give me some directions to debug this?
What I have done:
1) Install alpha-1 ISO (you can use virtualbox)
2) sudo apt-get update
3) sudo apt-get install ldtp python-ldtp at-poke
4) Run script
For alpha 1 it runs correctly, but in alpha 6 it gives a window not
found error:
window_name: frmDocumentPrintStatus(myjobs)
Search window name: frmDocumentPrint Status(myjobs) - Document Print
Status (my jobs) - frmDocumentPrintStatus(myjobs)
ldtp-gui.c - 1247 - Window frmDocumentPrint Status(myjobs) not open
Unable to update context: frmDocumentPrint Status(myjobs) in appmap
resp_len = 117
Response packet: <?xml version="1.0"
encoding="utf-8"?><RESPONSE><ID>MainThread119</ID><STATUS><CODE>-846</CODE><MESSAGE>GUI does not exist</MESSAGE></STATUS></RESPONSE>
Bytes sent: 156
*** GUI does not exist
Received packet size 152
Received response Packet <?xml version="1.0"
encoding="utf-8"?><RESPONSE><ID>MainThread119</ID><STATUS><CODE>-846</CODE><MESSAGE>GUI does not exist</MESSAGE></STATUS></RESPONSE>
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "kk.py", line 16, in <module>
open_and_check_menu_item(mnuItem, wName)
File "/usr/lib/python2.5/site-packages/ubuntutesting/ubuntu.py", line
54, in open_and_check_menu_item
raise LdtpExecutionError, "The " + window_title_txt + " window was
not found."
ldtplib.ldtplibutils.LdtpExecutionError: 'The frmDocumentPrint
Status(myjobs) window was not found.'
If I update the system-config-printer-gnome in alpha 1 is still working
correctly :-S, but if I upgrade the complete system is start failing.
Which other packages should I be looking into?
The script is the same for both versions:
from ooldtp import *
from ldtp import *
from ldtputils import *
mnuItem = "Manage Print Jobs"
wName = "frmDocumentPrint Status(myjobs)"
topPanel = context('frmTopExpandedEdgePanel')
actualMenu = topPanel.getchild(mnuItem)
except LdtpExecutionError, msg:
raise LdtpExecutionError, "The " + menu_item_txt + " menu was
not found."
response = waittillguiexist(wName, '', 20)
if response == 0:
raise LdtpExecutionError, "The " + window_title_txt + " window
was not found."
except LdtpExecutionError, msg:
Thanks a lot in advance,
[1] http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/releases/intrepid/alpha-6/
[2] http://people.ubuntu.com/~ara/temp/intrepid-alpha1-i386.iso
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