No subject

Thu Sep 25 21:12:36 PDT 2008

The only one step you need are here:

>> import ldtp
>> ldtp.getwindowlist()

If it got nothing, make sure your env is configured up correct...
If yes, then fixing that problem is needed further in investigation.

How about that?


PS, it featured on LDTP 1.3.0 after...

> From: ara at
> To: ldtp-dev at
> Date: Wed, 24 Sep 2008 14:24:08 +0200
> Subject: [LDTP-Dev] The strangest error
> Hello folks,
> I have the strangest error, ever.
> In Gnome there is an applet, system-config-printer-applet, which is
> provided in Ubuntu (and I guess in Debian as well) by
> system-config-printer-gnome package.
> If I try to script something that just opens the application and waits
> for existance, it works perfectly well in Intrepid Alpha-1. It didn't
> work in Hardy, but it works in Intrepid Alpha-1.
> The strange thing is that for Intrepid Alpha-6 it does not work, and the
> LDTP version and AT-SPI version are the same.
> Intrepid Alpha-6 is now in the Ubuntu repositories [1]
> I have uploaded Alpha-1 to a temporal repository [2], just in case you
> want to investigate any further.
> Can anyone give me some directions to debug this?
> What I have done:
> 1) Install alpha-1 ISO (you can use virtualbox)
> 2) sudo apt-get update
> 3) sudo apt-get install ldtp python-ldtp at-poke
> 4) Run script
> For alpha 1 it runs correctly, but in alpha 6 it gives a window not
> found error:
> window_name: frmDocumentPrintStatus(myjobs)
> Search window name: frmDocumentPrint Status(myjobs) - Document Print
> Status (my jobs) - frmDocumentPrintStatus(myjobs)
> ldtp-gui.c - 1247 - Window frmDocumentPrint Status(myjobs) not open
> Unable to update context: frmDocumentPrint Status(myjobs) in appmap
> resp_len = 117
> Sending..
> 152
> Response packet:  encoding="utf-8"?>MainThread119-846GUI does not exist
> Msg:
> Bytes sent: 156
> *** GUI does not exist
> Received packet size 152
> Received response Packet  encoding="utf-8"?>MainThread119-846GUI does not exist
> Traceback (most recent call last):
> File "", line 16, in 
> open_and_check_menu_item(mnuItem, wName)
> File "/usr/lib/python2.5/site-packages/ubuntutesting/", line
> 54, in open_and_check_menu_item
> raise LdtpExecutionError, "The " + window_title_txt + " window was
> not found."
> ldtplib.ldtplibutils.LdtpExecutionError: 'The frmDocumentPrint
> Status(myjobs) window was not found.'
> If I update the system-config-printer-gnome in alpha 1 is still working
> correctly :-S, but if I upgrade the complete system is start failing.
> Which other packages should I be looking into?
> The script is the same for both versions:
> from ooldtp import *
> from ldtp import *
> from ldtputils import *
> try:
> mnuItem = "Manage Print Jobs"
> wName = "frmDocumentPrint Status(myjobs)"
> topPanel = context('frmTopExpandedEdgePanel')
> try:
> actualMenu = topPanel.getchild(mnuItem)
> except LdtpExecutionError, msg:
> raise LdtpExecutionError, "The " + menu_item_txt + " menu was
> not found."
> actualMenu.selectmenuitem()
> wait(2)
> response = waittillguiexist(wName, '', 20)
> if response == 0:
> raise LdtpExecutionError, "The " + window_title_txt + " window
> was not found."
> except LdtpExecutionError, msg:
> raise
> Thanks a lot in advance,
> Ara.
> [1]
> [2]
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