[LDTP-Dev] Issue: ldtp with cally

Zhang, Wei Z wei.z.zhang at intel.com
Tue Dec 1 01:41:10 PST 2009

Hi, Nagappan:

       About the cally (git clone git://git.clutter-project.org/cally) for clutter accessibility, I have tried it with ldtp and have one problem. Do you have experience on this?

       The problem is:
              When I run cally example(such as cally-atkcomponent-example, it's in example folder of cally) ,
I can see the window name by getwindowlist(), but I can't getobjectlist/getobjectproperty... from this clutter application.
The exception is:
ldtplib.ldtplibutils.LdtpExecutionError: u'Unable to update appmap at runtime'
       At the same time, it's available to view the tree structure by "Accerciser" (http://live.gnome.org/Accerciser)

       Do you have some idea on that? Thanks!

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