[LDTP-Dev] Feedback on log feature in LDTP

tac Junyuan.Tan at Sun.COM
Tue Feb 17 23:21:59 PST 2009

Hi nagappan,
    I've tried those apis listed on the ldtp-wiki-page, found it
good with me. Some problems existed before have  been cleared.
    Just a doubt associated with  startldtplog() .
Thinking this may be deprecated compared to startlog()?
    Another thing not so clear to me is that while using ldtp,
it creates two directory in my /tmp named as ldtp-work and
ldtp-work-:0.0, even though I have explicitly redirect the logging
output to other directories.   
    So what do you think, will discuss with you later: )



tac @ Sun China
      junyuan.tan at sun.com
extn: +86-10-62673641 intn: 51641

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