[LDTP-Dev] [gnome-desktop-testing] Call for LDTPv2 testing

Nagappan Alagappan nagappan at gmail.com
Wed Oct 14 18:42:17 PDT 2009

Hi Ara,

Thanks for the inputs.

During our automated testing in VMware we found the following difference
between LDTPv1 and v2:

* getlabel function is deprecated - you can use getobjectproperty('winodw',
'objectname', 'label') # To verify the display text
* Label in v2 doesn't return the accelerator key (eg: in v1 "_Find" will be
returned on v2 just "Find" is returned)
* Strict data types are checked, in v1 most of the inputs are considered as
string, if not they will be converted to string, but on v2 exception will be
thrown, if incorrect type is passed to any function
* In v1 we have ldtp binary, on v2 we need to check ldtpd.sh for now, this
doesn't return the version for now, it has to be implemented, if you check
for "ldtp --version" in v1
* In v1 each action command was given 1 second sleep time internally before
execution, but on v2 there is no delay unless its set in environment
variable LDTP_COMMAND_DELAY. So, the script has to use appropriate wait time
* As Javier found, launchapp, argument name changed from 'arg' to 'args'

Some of missing API in v2:

* Calendar object
* logFailures in v1 is not implemented in v2
* LDTP logging methods
* appundertest
* launchapp2
* imagecompare
* blackoutregion
* label object
* layeredpane object
* panel object
* ProcessStatistics
* wnck based window operation

LTFX will be removed in LDTP v2 in favor of wnck implmentation

I could not recollect any other for now.


On Tue, Oct 6, 2009 at 11:26 PM, Ara Pulido <ara at ubuntu.com> wrote:

>  Hey Nagappan,
> It would be good to have a "migration" how to document, with the changes of
> the API.
> That would make migration to LDTP2 much easier.
> Thanks,
> Ara.
> On 06/10/09 18:06, Javier Collado wrote:
> Hello,
> Thanks for the update Nagappan.
> A new mago branch branch has been created so that we can check that the test
> cases work fine and make some changes if needed:https://code.launchpad.net/~mago-contributors/mago/mago-ldtp2 <https://code.launchpad.net/%7Emago-contributors/mago/mago-ldtp2>
> Also, a new python-ldtp package has been uploaded to the mago PPA both for
> jaunty and karmic:https://launchpad.net/~mago-contributors/+archive/ppa <https://launchpad.net/%7Emago-contributors/+archive/ppa>
> During my tests I've seen that ldtp.launchpad function 'arg' argument has been
> renamed to 'args' and that in the past passing arg=[''] worked fine, but now
> args=[] is expected. So that small change has been the first one in the
> mago-ldtp2 branch.
> In addition to this, while running gedit test cases, I've seen that suite
> cleanup method fails in this line:
>        result = ldtp.waittillguiexist(
>            self.application.name, self.application.TXT_FIELD)
>  I've run  debugged at that point and verified that the object exists using
> ldtp.getobjectlist and ldtp.getobjectinfo. However, ldtp.waittillguiexists
> returns 0 at that point. Would you like me to open this as a bug under LDTP
> project or under mago project?
> Best regards,
>     Javier
> Nagappan Alagappan wrote:
>  Hello all,
> We are in the process of migrating all our existing LDTP API based on CSPI
> (LDTPv1) to pyatspi (LDTPv2).
> LDTPv2 framework was written by "Eitan Isaacson". Thanks to eeejay :)
> In VMware, we have tested the LDTPv2 API's. Thanks to Ranjith Murugan,
> Gaurav Sharma, Anupa Kamath for verifying them.
> I'm sure still there are some pending API's which has to implemented or some
> API's which are not compatible with LDTPv1 in LDTPv2. I request to all the
> users, to verify LDTPv2 in their test environment and report any issues you
> found. We have tested on Ubuntu 9.04 with Python 2.6. It will be nice, if
> you could test it on Python 2.4 / 2.5 / 3.0 as well.
> New LDTPv2 dependency - twisted-python-web package.
> Access LDTPv2 source through git:
> git://anongit.freedesktop.org/ldtp/ldtp2or ssh://git.freedesktop.org/git/ldtp/ldtp2 orhttp://anongit.freedesktop.org/git/ldtp/ldtp2.git
> Browse the LDTPv2 source online -http://cgit.freedesktop.org/ldtp/ldtp2/tree/
> Thanks
> Nagappan
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