[LDTP-Dev] Cbo object not found
damien.aiello at bull.net
damien.aiello at bull.net
Tue Jan 15 00:07:10 PST 2013
I'm trying to make a proof of concept for a further benchmark.
What I want to do (under Windows XP) :
- open notepad,
- write a few words,
- save the documents somewhere on the disks.
My code (work in progress) :
#-*- coding:utf-8 -*-
from ldtp import *
from ldtputils import *
import string
import random
launchapp("notepad", lang= "fr_FR.utf8")
if waittillguiexist("frmSanstitre-Bloc-notes") == 0:
raise LdtpExecutionError("Le bloc-notes n'est pas ouvert")
enterstring("frmSanstitre-Bloc-notes", "strTest", "abc123")
if waittillguiexist ("frmEnregistrersous") == 0:
raise LdtpExecutionError ("Impossible d'ouvrir la boite de
dialogue 'Fichier -> Enregistrer sous...'")
settextvalue("frmEnregistrersous", "cboNomdufichier", "test.txt")
except LdtpExecutionError, msg:
This code gives me the following error :
Unable to find Object: cboNomdufichier
But I can see this object if I do something like :
for i in listeObjets:
if guiexist("frmEnregistrersous", i):
print i
What I am doing wrong ?
PS : I'm working with Cobra3 and Python 2.7 for Windows.
Damien Aiello
Bull, 1 rue de Provence
38130 Echirolles
Tél. : 04 76 29 71 36
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