[LDTP-Dev] ImportError, 'libldtpcodegen not found' while running ldtpeditor

Renuka Pande Renuka.Pande at kpit.com
Tue Feb 18 01:27:55 PST 2014


    I have installed LDTP editor along with all its dependancy packages on linux Ubuntu environment successfully. But while running ldtpeditor the following errors are observed and could not be debugged. Hence I am stuck at this point.

Following is the error displayed on Terminal:-

renuka at D-8295:~$ ldtpeditor
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/local/bin/ldtpeditor", line 77, in <module>
    raise ImportError,  'libldtpcodegen not found'
ImportError: libldtpcodegen not found

I am attaching the screenshot of the error page displayed along with the mail. Kindly help on the above issue.

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