[ANNOUNCE] libbsd 0.4.2 released

Guillem Jover guillem at hadrons.org
Wed Jun 27 00:33:31 PDT 2012


This release includes minor build system and man page fixes.

Git tag: 0.4.2

Source tarball:

GPG signature:

Checksums (MD5 and SHA1):
  591fc9de4ca22f78cf87a94e648a92f4  libbsd-0.4.2.tar.gz
  b9dd0b0d217642bf6519b4a5e386b30a73ad5c08  libbsd-0.4.2.tar.gz

Changes since 0.4.1:

Guillem Jover (4):
      build: Set default compiler variables from configure
      man: Recode flopen(3) to UTF-8
      man: Use minus signs and hyphens consistently
      Release libbsd 0.4.2

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