[ANNOUNCE] libmd 1.0.1 released

Guillem Jover guillem at hadrons.org
Mon Oct 22 11:07:09 UTC 2018


This fixes a portability issue (thanks Rainer!), some compatibility
macros, and adds a thin wrapper compatible with the Aladding Enterprises
MD5 independent implementation.

As usual the tarballs can be found both at Hadrons.Org and FreeDesktop.Org.

Git tag: 1.0.1

Source tarball:

GPG signature:

Checksums (MD5, SHA1 and SHA256):
  9afe953ea048a9a5ec47015529ec2129  libmd-1.0.1.tar.xz
  6b2981171ad37fe439eb7b09eade37a9079593f5  libmd-1.0.1.tar.xz
  e14eeb931cf85330f95ff822262d3033125488dfb2f867441e36e2d2c4a34c71  libmd-1.0.1.tar.xz

Changes since 1.0.0:

Guillem Jover (5):
      Add missing compatibility macros for SHA384
      Fix compatibility macros for SHA512
      test: Refactor and extend message digest testing
      Add compatibility with Aladdin Enterprises MD5 implementation
      Release libmd 1.0.1

Rainer Müller (1):
      build: Invoke sed with portable regex

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