[Libburn] New libisofs, part 1

Steven Van Impe steven.vanimpe at telenet.be
Thu Mar 17 03:10:29 PST 2005

This is what I have so far.

Short list of changes:

- The writer part (and fields needed only by this part) are left out for
now, and will be added later (after the current code is properly tested
and there is a consensus about what goes in and what not). Also, I stuck
to a minimum of features to make the library as easy to use as possible.
If you feel that something is missing, just say so and it will be added.
- Joliet support is added.
- I've rewritten about everything that has to do with file names and
identifiers. That part should be more clean, easier to use and easier to
- Me pointers are out, that makes everything easier as well.
- More documentation, using Doxygen. I'm no expert on Doxygen, so the
generated result looks quite primitive.

Overall, I hope the code is now more clean and easier to understand, use
and maintain.

I haven't had much time to test it (except for the file identifier
functions, those were quite tricky), so I'm hoping you'll do that for
me :). If you find bugs or feel that something is missing or needs to
change, just say so.


-------------- next part --------------
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