[Libburn] Installation directory

Andreas Schik aheppel at web.de
Sat Sep 3 03:39:00 EST 2005

Hi there,
I am encountering problems with the installation directory for the header 
files libburn.h and libisofs.h. They get installed to 
${PREFIX}/include/libburn/0 which results in compile errors as they are not 
found. The problem hereby are not my sources as I can adjust them, but the 
mentioned headers themselves. For example, libisofs.h does the following:

#include "libburn/libburn.h"

This fails with the headers in this location. Moving them up one level helps.
Any reason why they are copied there?


Mail: aheppel at web dot de
Home: http://www.andreasheppel.de
PGP Key: http://www.andreasheppel.de/download/andreash.asc

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