[Libdlo] Synchronous vs. asynchronous USB

JKing j.king7010 at ntlworld.com
Sat May 30 02:42:15 PDT 2009

>>/ Does anyone have datapoints on how universally libusb 1.0 is getting
/>>/ distributed now? In particular, in terms of older Linux distros and
/>>/ non-Linux OSes -- it'd be great to know where support stops.
>It's in all new Linux OS releases that are released from about a few
>months ago on.

recent PCLinuxOS 2009.1 iso and repositary I believe is libusb 0.14

what about things like old eeePC's and older distrib's that do not auto/easily 
update ? 

>>/ My suspicion, given what I see in the docs right now, is we would
/>/> limit the portability of libdlo a little too much to take that
/>/> dependency right now.  But would be great to hear other thoughts.
>I doubt it would matter that much in the end :)

If not tooo painful support for both would be good, i.e. detect version and have a safe fallback ?
This may be outside scope, aim, or too much effort/bloat but if a short text could be displayed briefly along lines of
"libusb < v1 limited safe mode selected" ?

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