[Libdlo] [PATCH] udlfb: high-throughput urb pool

Bernie Thompson bernie.thompson at gmail.com
Sat Dec 18 14:31:45 PST 2010

HI Andrew,

On Saturday, December 18, 2010, akephart at akephart.org
<akephart at akephart.org> wrote:
> You know, in all of this, It strikes me that the on-demand model should
> solve the problem for both damage and defio models, since it retains the
> performance of the nonblocking release while avoiding most of the pixel
> tossing.

I've always been nervous about the on-demand model because we can
easily suck up all the memory we're given (so we need a limit), and we
churn through a unusually large number of alloc/dma map/free
operations even for relatively light use.

We can't avoid needing a system to work within a limit we set on
memory consumption.

Best wishes,

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