[Libdlo] maximum number of displaylink devices

Alexander Todorov atodorov at otb.bg
Thu Nov 28 12:09:08 PST 2013

На 27.11.2013 07:54, Bokhan Artem написа:
> Hello.
> How many displaylink devices it's possible to connect to linux? Are there any
> limitations like in windows?

I don't think there's a software limit for the USB video adapters but you will 
have to test it (depending on your kernel version). In the past I've deployed a 
large multi-seat system (15 seats IIRC) using hardware from Plugable. We've hit 
a limit in the number of evdev devices (e.g. keyboards/mice).

There's also a practical limit about the number of available USB ports you can 
have on a single system and the amount of data going through the root USB hub. I 
expect this to be a lot better with USB 3.0 though.

Let us (or me privately) know what do you want to build or what limitations are 
you seeing currently (and on what software version) and maybe we can help you.

You can find my thoughts on the subject and links to bugs, pictures and video at:

Note: The evdev bug mentioned earlier and linked from the blog post has been 
fixed in the latest kernels. Recently I was asked to close the tracking bugs in 
Bugzilla but I haven't been able to test this b/c the system described above 
will not be upgraded anytime soon.

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