Establishing connections to multiple PDPs simultaneously with MBIM

Aleksander Morgado aleksander at
Thu Aug 6 13:48:48 PDT 2015

On Thu, Aug 6, 2015 at 7:02 PM, Neal Gompa <ngompa13 at> wrote:
>> On Aug 6, 2015 5:13 PM, "Neal Gompa" <ngompa13 at> wrote:
>> >
>> > On Thu, Aug 6, 2015 at 10:35 AM, Dan Williams <dcbw at> wrote:
>> >>
>> >> On Thu, 2015-08-06 at 08:57 +0200, Aleksander Morgado wrote:
>> >> > On Thu, Aug 6, 2015 at 3:00 AM, Markus Gothe
>> >> > <nietzsche at> wrote:
>> >> > > Please tell me if I am wrong… But this quite a design issue which
>> >> > > we need to come down to consensus… Right?
>> >> >
>> >> >
>> >> > Well, it's not like we're changing the behavior of the kernel driver.
>> >> > This is just a small design issue in mbimcli :)
>> >> >
>> >> > What's your opinion on this? Do you prefer the "=" separated
>> >> > key/value
>> >> > pairs, or just the prefixed "N:" with additional optional arguments
>> >> > for things like ip-type?
>> >>
>> >> I personally prefer = separated key/value pairs, keeping compat with
>> >> the
>> >> old unkeyed format.  So I'll try to do that, but might not happen this
>> >> week.
>> >>
>> >> Dan
>> >>
>> >
>> > If I could chime in for a moment:
>> >
>> > I favor the key/value pair format, as it makes it easier to figure out
>> > how to lay out configuration information. Heck, it makes it possible for me
>> > to easily structure a program that would take in JSON data representing the
>> > configuration and map it straight to mbimcli so that it can be processed. It
>> > would be also awesome if some kind of key/value output format could be
>> > available as an option for parsing the output that comes back after mbimcli
>> > successfully connects. The human-readable output today that shows up in git
>> > master is great for humans, but it's a bit tricky to parse for scripting.
>> >
>> > If there's a key/value input and key/value output mechanism, that would
>> > make what I'm working on much easier.
>> >
>> Yes, totally agree regarding the output thing. Something like an
>> additional --script option or something that would generate key/value pairs
>> for the outputs of all commands. That would be a truly nice improvement and
>> actually quite trivial to implement.
> I don't know if you want to go with a different format type, but I would
> think JSON would be a good format for that. Most programming/scripting
> environments handle JSON quite well natively (like Python, and well,
> JavaScript) or through an extension (like PHP, Perl, C#, etc.). Speaking as
> someone who is trying to use mbimcli in a scripting environment, I would
> appreciate some standardized format that's easy to implement, if it's not

Uff, no, JSON output is way too much. Per output line "key=value"
pairs should be way more than enough.


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