Anyone testing an MC7430 or other MDM9x30 based modem

Bjørn Mork bjorn at
Tue Nov 24 00:37:56 PST 2015

[moved from libqmi-devel since it is now completely irrelevant there]

Bjørn Mork <bjorn at> writes:

> So there is no reply to any of the 'open' messages. Which surprised me,
> because I had already used one of my more hackish perl scripts to run
> the Sierra specific 0x555b and 0x555c QMI_DMS commands over MBIM.  And
> that was successful!
> I wonder if the main difference is patience?  I send a single MBIM OPEN
> and then wait.  Trying to do that again is successful, and allows me to
> use mbimcli just fine.  So the problem seems to be the aggressive
> 'open'.

I looked for obvious places to insert a reasonable delay between the
OPENs, and was surprised to see that there already was a 5 second delay
there.  But that obviously didn't work.  And the reason was simple:

The OPEN processing use the same mbim_device_command() function as the
other commands.  But at this point there is no self->priv->iochannel,
which makes mbim_device_command() bail out *before* it applies the
delay.  So the OPENs are sent back-to-back, which makes this modem fail.

Reordering mbim_device_command() a bit fixes this for me (note the 3
second delay between OPEN and OPEN_DONE):

bjorn at nemi:/usr/local/src/git/libmbim$ src/mbimcli/mbimcli -v -d /dev/cdc-wdm1 --query-device-caps 
[24 Nov 2015, 09:28:05] [Debug] opening device...
[24 Nov 2015, 09:28:05] [Debug] [/dev/cdc-wdm1] Queried max control message size: 4096
[24 Nov 2015, 09:28:05] [Debug] [/dev/cdc-wdm1] Sent message...
<<<<<< RAW:
<<<<<<   length = 16
<<<<<<   data   = 01:00:00:00:10:00:00:00:01:00:00:00:00:10:00:00

[24 Nov 2015, 09:28:05] [Debug] [/dev/cdc-wdm1] Sent message (translated)...
<<<<<< Header:
<<<<<<   length      = 16
<<<<<<   type        = open (0x00000001)
<<<<<<   transaction = 1
<<<<<< Contents:
<<<<<<   max_control_transfer = 4096

[24 Nov 2015, 09:28:08] [Debug] [/dev/cdc-wdm1] Received message...
>>>>>> RAW:
>>>>>>   length = 16
>>>>>>   data   = 01:00:00:80:10:00:00:00:01:00:00:00:00:00:00:00

[24 Nov 2015, 09:28:08] [Debug] MBIM Device at '/dev/cdc-wdm1' ready
[24 Nov 2015, 09:28:08] [Debug] Asynchronously querying device capabilities...
[24 Nov 2015, 09:28:08] [Debug] [/dev/cdc-wdm1] Sent message...
<<<<<< RAW:
<<<<<<   length = 48
<<<<<<   data   = 03:00:00:00:30:00:00:00:02:00:00:00:01:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:A2:89:CC:33:BC:BB:8B:4F:B6:B0:13:3E:C2:AA:E6:DF:01:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00

[24 Nov 2015, 09:28:08] [Debug] [/dev/cdc-wdm1] Sent message (translated)...
<<<<<< Header:
<<<<<<   length      = 48
<<<<<<   type        = command (0x00000003)
<<<<<<   transaction = 2
<<<<<< Fragment header:
<<<<<<   total   = 1
<<<<<<   current = 0
<<<<<< Contents:
<<<<<<   service = 'basic-connect' (a289cc33-bcbb-8b4f-b6b0-133ec2aae6df)
<<<<<<   cid     = 'device-caps' (0x00000001)
<<<<<<   type    = 'query' (0x00000000)

[24 Nov 2015, 09:28:08] [Debug] [/dev/cdc-wdm1] Received message...
>>>>>> RAW:
>>>>>>   length = 196
>>>>>>   data   = 03:00:00:80:C4:00:00:00:02:00:00:00:01:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:A2:89:CC:33:BC:BB:8B:4F:B6:B0:13:3E:C2:AA:E6:DF:01:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:94:00:00:00:03:00:00:00:01:00:00:00:01:00:00:00:02:00:00:00:3C:00:00:00:03:00:00:00:11:00:00:00:08:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:40:00:00:00:1E:00:00:00:60:00:00:00:28:00:00:00:88:00:00:00:0C:00:00:00:33:00:35:00:39:00:30:00:37:00:32:00:30:00:36:00:30:00:30:00:30:00:35:00:35:00:36:00:34:00:00:00:53:00:57:00:49:00:39:00:58:00:33:00:30:00:43:00:5F:00:30:00:31:00:2E:00:30:00:38:00:2E:00:30:00:37:00:2E:00:30:00:30:00:4D:00:43:00:37:00:34:00:35:00:35:00

[24 Nov 2015, 09:28:08] [Debug] [/dev/cdc-wdm1] Received message (translated)...
>>>>>> Header:
>>>>>>   length      = 196
>>>>>>   type        = command-done (0x80000003)
>>>>>>   transaction = 2
>>>>>> Fragment header:
>>>>>>   total   = 1
>>>>>>   current = 0
>>>>>> Contents:
>>>>>>   status error = 'None' (0x00000000)
>>>>>>   service      = 'basic-connect' (a289cc33-bcbb-8b4f-b6b0-133ec2aae6df)
>>>>>>   cid          = 'device-caps' (0x00000001)

[/dev/cdc-wdm1] Device capabilities retrieved:
              Device type: 'remote'
           Cellular class: 'gsm'
              Voice class: 'no-voice'
                Sim class: 'removable'
               Data class: 'umts, hsdpa, hsupa, lte'
                 SMS caps: 'pdu-receive, pdu-send'
                Ctrl caps: 'reg-manual, multi-carrier'
             Max sessions: '8'
        Custom data class: 'unknown'
                Device ID: '359072060005564'
            Firmware info: 'SWI9X30C_01.08.07.00'
            Hardware info: 'MC7455'
[24 Nov 2015, 09:28:08] [Debug] [/dev/cdc-wdm1] Sent message...
<<<<<< RAW:
<<<<<<   length = 12
<<<<<<   data   = 02:00:00:00:0C:00:00:00:03:00:00:00

[24 Nov 2015, 09:28:08] [Debug] [/dev/cdc-wdm1] Sent message (translated)...
<<<<<< Header:
<<<<<<   length      = 12
<<<<<<   type        = close (0x00000002)
<<<<<<   transaction = 3

[24 Nov 2015, 09:28:08] [Debug] [/dev/cdc-wdm1] Received message...
>>>>>> RAW:
>>>>>>   length = 16
>>>>>>   data   = 02:00:00:80:10:00:00:00:03:00:00:00:00:00:00:00

[24 Nov 2015, 09:28:08] [Debug] Device closed

Patch is attached.

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