[Liboil] OS X Link Errors

Vijay Santhanam vijay.santhanam at gmail.com
Sat Dec 9 07:58:31 PST 2006

Today I got latest version of liboil and ran autogen.sh.

The first show stopping error was because was looking for libtoolize,
which apparently doesn't exist on OS X. I created a soft link from
libtoolize -->glibtoolize to fix that error.

Then configure seems to work fine, but get an error upon make:

ld: Undefined symbols:
/usr/bin/libtool: internal link edit command failed
make[3]: *** [liboiltmp1.la] Error 1

Running 10.4.8 mac book pro.

I started my liboil adventures today, so last months identical error
posted by Per I. Mathisen per at fix.no should be resolved,  i
would've thought because David said it was due to a not properly
updated file.


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