[Liboil] Packed data formats.

Stephane Fillod f8cfe at free.fr
Mon May 14 12:13:05 PDT 2007

Mon, May 14, 2007 at 12:51:44PM +0100, Robert Scott skribis:
> Oh, p.s. - could someone _please_ apply the #ifdef __cplusplus__ patch that 
> has been floating around for a year or so? It's a bit hard to claim you're a 
> desktop/platform neutral project when you don't even compile against c++ 
> code ;)

Here is the patch attached, against latest CVS.
Who has commit priviledges?

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Name: liboilcc.patch
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Url : http://lists.freedesktop.org/archives/liboil/attachments/20070514/9c2350df/attachment.patch 

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