demo/cfa.cpp bugfix

Hubert Figuiere hub at
Tue Apr 29 20:07:15 PDT 2008

On Tue, 2008-02-26 at 15:05 +0300, Alexey Khudyakov wrote:
> Hello.
> demo/cfa.cpp contains bug. It writes data in machine byte order but
> pgm require most significant byte first.  First patch fixes this
> bug. Probably this is not best way to fix it but al least it works for
> me.

Good catch. But the current patch rewrite data that it is not supposed
to rewrite. For a demo it is bad taste.

> Second patch sets the maximum value of pgm pixels to actual maximum
> pixel value of image.  I've found it convinient to see something with
> imagemagick's display. Without whis patch it shows only black screen.

While I agree with the idea, I'd rather get the information from the raw
file directly instead of iterating through millions of pixels.

Thanks a lot.


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