Robert Shade robert.shade at gmail.com
Thu Sep 6 13:00:25 PDT 2012

I was going to try to figure out the defaults for you, but now it
appears that it now is working regardless of whether I set the mode or
not.  I wonder if my MC7700 stores the preference in flash.  There
doesn't seem to be a "Get" Data Format command.

My MC7700 and MC7750 both report a QMI_QOS service, but I haven't seen
any docs from Qualcomm for it.

On Thu, Sep 6, 2012 at 3:14 PM, Bjørn Mork <bjorn at mork.no> wrote:
> Robert Shade <robert.shade at gmail.com> writes:
>> Some devices (like Sierra's MC7700 w/the latest AT&T firmware), default
>> to a packet data format that's incompatable with qmi_wwan/usbnet.  This results
>> in us being unable to get a DHCP address or otherwise use the virtual ethernet
>> port.  Add DEVICE_OPEN_FLAG_DATA_FORMAT to set the data format
>> to default (no-QoS) and data mode to ethernet when opening.
> Explicitly setting the expected mode seems to be wise in any case.
> But I am curious: What is the new default?  Raw IP and no QoS? Did
> anyone find any use for the QoS mode, BTW?
> I am asking because it seems we have to add some data interception hooks
> to cdc_wdm to support MBIM, and I am playing with the idea to let the
> qmi_wwan snoop on "Set Data Format" messages and just support whatever
> mode you set.  It can most certainly be done, and it won't be much code
> either.
> Last time I played with the QoS mode I found it to be mostly useful for
> crashing the firmware though....  But this is some time ago.
> Bjørn

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