Aleksander Morgado aleksander at lanedo.com
Tue Sep 18 03:46:58 PDT 2012

>>> BTW, is this a big endian platform (sorry for my complete ignorance wrt
>>> Atmel chips...)?
>> I think the Atmel AVR32 is the opposite of x86, but isn't the driver code
>> endian safe?
> It is supposed to be, yes.  And given that it doesn't touch the contents
> of the embedded QMI, I am pretty sure it mostly is too.  Would be nice
> to have that confirmed.
> But how about the libqmi tools?  Do they work on big endian systems?

Yes, they should. I actually started to develop libqmi-glib in a
RouterBoard 433UAH, which is BE.

> # qmicli --nas-get-signal-strength -d /dev/cdc-wdm1
> **
> ERROR:qmi-utils.c:72:qmi_utils_read_guint8_from_buffer: assertion
> failed: (*buffer_size >= 1)
> Aborted

Oops? if this can be easily triggered, can you run it in the following
way and get me a backtrace (compile it with -ggdb and -O0 as well)?

sudo gdb --args qmicli --nas-get-signal-strength -d /dev/cdc-wdm1

We should not crash with an assertion here, even if the port is not QMI.


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