little bit off topic: problem with mm

Aleksander Morgado aleksander at
Mon Jan 14 08:05:48 PST 2013

On 14/01/13 16:32, Dan Williams wrote:
> Not really.  The only thing that # endpoints tells us is whether a given
> port is probably not a modem/PPP port.  Usually only one 3-endpoint
> AT-capable port will be a modem/PPP port.  The rest will be either
> 2-endpoint (AT, QCDM, NMEA, etc) or 3-endpoint (usb-storage, QMI,
> cdc-ether/ncm).
> In this case, if the port isn't an AT port at all, then I thought the
> code would use whatever the first available AT port was, as the
> modem/PPP or command/status port.  In any case, if we find an AT-capable
> port that has 3 endpoints, whatever its port #, it's very likely to be
> the modem/PPP port.

Thanks for the clarification, that makes a lot of sense. If the logic
can be applied to every modem out there; it probably makes sense to put
it directly in mm_base_modem_organize_ports(), instead of in a plugin.
Unless we want this hint to be applied before other plugin specific hints...


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