Change Pin command not working in libqmi

vidya.nathan at vidya.nathan at
Fri May 31 05:44:39 PDT 2013

Hi Aleksander,

Thank you for the immediate response. Can you let us know when the next release is expected ?


-----Original Message-----
From: Aleksander Morgado [mailto:aleksander at] 
Sent: Friday, May 31, 2013 6:00 PM
To: Rajiv Mohan (WT01 - GMT-Telecom Equipment)
Cc: libqmi-devel at; Vidya Raghunathan (WT01 - GMT-Telecom Equipment); Swarnalatha Subramaniya (WT01 - GMT-Telecom Equipment)
Subject: Re: Change Pin command not working in libqmi


> We are working with qmicli and are facing one issue with change pin command:
> --dms-uim-change-pin=PIN,(old PIN),(new PIN)
> We are getting success message when we perform this command, but when 
> we validate the  <new pin> with the command
> --dms-uim-verify-pin=PIN,(new PIN)
> We are getting error "invalid pin"
> When we give the old pin in the verify-pin command we are getting 
> success message.
> --dms-uim-verify-pin=PIN,(old PIN)
> We had a look into the code and found the following:
> File : qmicli-dms.c
> Function : static QmiMessageDmsUimChangePinInput 
> *uim_change_pin_input_create (const gchar *str)
> Code snippet:
> *******************
> /* Prepare inputs.
>      * Format of the string is:
>      *    "[(PIN|PIN2),(old PIN),(new PIN)]"
>      */
>     split = g_strsplit (str, ",", -1);
>     if (qmicli_read_pin_id_from_string (split[0], &pin_id) &&
>         qmicli_read_non_empty_string (split[1], "old PIN", &old_pin) 
> &&
> *        qmicli_read_non_empty_string (split[1], "new PIN", &new_pin))*
> *******************
> Because of the highlighted line the old pin is again set as the new pin.
> Is there any specific reason for this?
> Is it possible to get a release with this fixed?

Pushed a fix to git master; thanks for noticing. It will go into the next libqmi release.


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