Sierra MC7710 on embedded debian

Petri Kiiskinen petri at
Tue Jun 3 07:15:21 PDT 2014

I think we are seeing the same issue. We have Huawei E392 and units doing soft reboot every night. After a week or so we see at least one unit (out of 20) where we see the same problem and it is cured only by power cycling the modem.


-----Original Message-----
From: "reiner otto" <augustus_meyer at>
Sent: ‎3.‎6.‎2014 16:21
To: "Bjørn Mork" <bjorn at>
Cc: "libqmi-devel at" <libqmi-devel at>
Subject: Re: Sierra MC7710 on embedded debian

Problem still persists.

I flashed the latest FW to my MC7710:
Revision: 'SWI9200X_03.05.24.00ap r5792 carmd-en-10527 2013/05/02 13:35:47'

Even a new error (not seen with older FW 3.05.19) showed up a few times, not reproducable, though:
qmicli -d /dev/cdc-wdm0  --dms-uim-verify-pin=PIN,1234
error: couldn't create client for the 'dms' service: CID allocation failed in the CTL client: Service mismatch (requested 'dms', got 'wds')

May be, this helps to figure out, whats going on (stupid question: what is CID, and why different ?):

Excerpt from my
qmicli -d /dev/cdc-wdm0  --dms-uim-verify-pin=PIN,xxxx
sleep 10
qmicli -v -d /dev/cdc-wdm0 --wds-start-network=  --client-no-release-cid

In case of SUCCESS (after power cycle), the output is like follows:
[/dev/cdc-wdm0] PIN verified successfully
[03 Jun 2014, 13:02:27] [Debug] [/dev/cdc-wdm0] Opening device with flags 'none'...
[03 Jun 2014, 13:02:27] [Debug] QMI Device at '/dev/cdc-wdm0' ready
[03 Jun 2014, 13:02:27] [Debug] [/dev/cdc-wdm0] Assuming service 'wds' is supported...
[03 Jun 2014, 13:02:27] [Debug] [/dev/cdc-wdm0] Allocating new client ID...
[03 Jun 2014, 13:02:27] [Debug] [/dev/cdc-wdm0] Sent message...
<<<<<< RAW:
<<<<<<   length = 16
<<<<<<   data   = 01:0F:00:00:00:00:00:01:22:00:04:00:01:01:00:01

[03 Jun 2014, 13:02:27] [Debug] [/dev/cdc-wdm0] Sent message (translated)...
<<<<<< QMUX:
<<<<<<   length  = 15
<<<<<<   flags   = 0x00
<<<<<<   service = "ctl"
<<<<<<   client  = 0
<<<<<< QMI:
<<<<<<   flags       = "none"
<<<<<<   transaction = 1
<<<<<<   tlv_length  = 4
<<<<<<   message     = "Allocate CID" (0x0022)
<<<<<< TLV:
<<<<<<   type       = "Service" (0x01)
<<<<<<   length     = 1
<<<<<<   value      = 01
<<<<<<   translated = wds

[03 Jun 2014, 13:02:27] [Debug] [/dev/cdc-wdm0] Received message...
>>>>>> RAW:
>>>>>>   length = 24
>>>>>>   data   = 01:17:00:80:00:00:01:01:22:00:0C:00:02:04:00:00:00:00:00:01:02:00:01:01

[03 Jun 2014, 13:02:27] [Debug] [/dev/cdc-wdm0] Received message (translated)...
>>>>>> QMUX:
>>>>>>   length  = 23
>>>>>>   flags   = 0x80
>>>>>>   service = "ctl"
>>>>>>   client  = 0
>>>>>> QMI:
>>>>>>   flags       = "response"
>>>>>>   transaction = 1
>>>>>>   tlv_length  = 12
>>>>>>   message     = "Allocate CID" (0x0022)
>>>>>> TLV:
>>>>>>   type       = "Result" (0x02)
>>>>>>   length     = 4
>>>>>>   value      = 00:00:00:00
>>>>>>   translated = SUCCESS
>>>>>> TLV:
>>>>>>   type       = "Allocation Info" (0x01)
>>>>>>   length     = 2
>>>>>>   value      = 01:01
>>>>>>   translated = [ service = 'wds' cid = '1' ]

[03 Jun 2014, 13:02:27] [Debug] [/dev/cdc-wdm0] Registered 'wds' (version unknown) client with ID '1'
[03 Jun 2014, 13:02:27] [Debug] Asynchronously starting network...
[03 Jun 2014, 13:02:27] [Debug] [/dev/cdc-wdm0] Sent message...
<<<<<< RAW:
<<<<<<   length = 13
<<<<<<   data   = 01:0C:00:00:01:01:00:01:00:20:00:00:00

[03 Jun 2014, 13:02:27] [Debug] [/dev/cdc-wdm0] Sent message (translated)...
<<<<<< QMUX:
<<<<<<   length  = 12
<<<<<<   flags   = 0x00
<<<<<<   service = "wds"
<<<<<<   client  = 1
<<<<<< QMI:
<<<<<<   flags       = "none"
<<<<<<   transaction = 1
<<<<<<   tlv_length  = 0
<<<<<<   message     = "Start Network" (0x0020)

[03 Jun 2014, 13:02:28] [Debug] [/dev/cdc-wdm0] Received message...
>>>>>> RAW:
>>>>>>   length = 27
>>>>>>   data   = 01:1A:00:80:01:01:02:01:00:20:00:0E:00:02:04:00:00:00:00:00:01:04:00:38:FF:74:02

[03 Jun 2014, 13:02:28] [Debug] [/dev/cdc-wdm0] Received message (translated)...
>>>>>> QMUX:
>>>>>>   length  = 26
>>>>>>   flags   = 0x80
>>>>>>   service = "wds"
>>>>>>   client  = 1
>>>>>> QMI:
>>>>>>   flags       = "response"
>>>>>>   transaction = 1
>>>>>>   tlv_length  = 14
>>>>>>   message     = "Start Network" (0x0020)
>>>>>> TLV:
>>>>>>   type       = "Result" (0x02)
>>>>>>   length     = 4
>>>>>>   value      = 00:00:00:00
>>>>>>   translated = SUCCESS
>>>>>> TLV:
>>>>>>   type       = "Packet Data Handle" (0x01)
>>>>>>   length     = 4
>>>>>>   value      = 38:FF:74:02
>>>>>>   translated = 41221944

[/dev/cdc-wdm0] Network started
        Packet data handle: '41221944'
[/dev/cdc-wdm0] Client ID not released:
        Service: 'wds'
            CID: '1'
[03 Jun 2014, 13:02:28] [Debug] [/dev/cdc-wdm0] Releasing 'wds' client with flags 'none'...
[03 Jun 2014, 13:02:28] [Debug] [/dev/cdc-wdm0] Unregistered 'wds' client with ID '1'
[03 Jun 2014, 13:02:28] [Debug] Client released

In case of FAILURE (after soft "reboot"), Output:
[/dev/cdc-wdm0] PIN verified successfully
[03 Jun 2014, 12:54:12] [Debug] [/dev/cdc-wdm0] Opening device with flags 'none'...
[03 Jun 2014, 12:54:12] [Debug] QMI Device at '/dev/cdc-wdm0' ready
[03 Jun 2014, 12:54:12] [Debug] [/dev/cdc-wdm0] Assuming service 'wds' is supported...
[03 Jun 2014, 12:54:12] [Debug] [/dev/cdc-wdm0] Allocating new client ID...
[03 Jun 2014, 12:54:12] [Debug] [/dev/cdc-wdm0] Sent message...
<<<<<< RAW:
<<<<<<   length = 16
<<<<<<   data   = 01:0F:00:00:00:00:00:01:22:00:04:00:01:01:00:01

[03 Jun 2014, 12:54:12] [Debug] [/dev/cdc-wdm0] Sent message (translated)...
<<<<<< QMUX:
<<<<<<   length  = 15
<<<<<<   flags   = 0x00
<<<<<<   service = "ctl"
<<<<<<   client  = 0
<<<<<< QMI:
<<<<<<   flags       = "none"
<<<<<<   transaction = 1
<<<<<<   tlv_length  = 4
<<<<<<   message     = "Allocate CID" (0x0022)
<<<<<< TLV:
<<<<<<   type       = "Service" (0x01)
<<<<<<   length     = 1
<<<<<<   value      = 01
<<<<<<   translated = wds

[03 Jun 2014, 12:54:12] [Debug] [/dev/cdc-wdm0] Received message...
>>>>>> RAW:
>>>>>>   length = 24
>>>>>>   data   = 01:17:00:80:00:00:01:01:22:00:0C:00:02:04:00:00:00:00:00:01:02:00:01:02

[03 Jun 2014, 12:54:12] [Debug] [/dev/cdc-wdm0] Received message (translated)...
>>>>>> QMUX:
>>>>>>   length  = 23
>>>>>>   flags   = 0x80
>>>>>>   service = "ctl"
>>>>>>   client  = 0
>>>>>> QMI:
>>>>>>   flags       = "response"
>>>>>>   transaction = 1
>>>>>>   tlv_length  = 12
>>>>>>   message     = "Allocate CID" (0x0022)
>>>>>> TLV:
>>>>>>   type       = "Result" (0x02)
>>>>>>   length     = 4
>>>>>>   value      = 00:00:00:00
>>>>>>   translated = SUCCESS
>>>>>> TLV:
>>>>>>   type       = "Allocation Info" (0x01)
>>>>>>   length     = 2
>>>>>>   value      = 01:02
>>>>>>   translated = [ service = 'wds' cid = '2' ]

[03 Jun 2014, 12:54:12] [Debug] [/dev/cdc-wdm0] Registered 'wds' (version unknown) client with ID '2'
[03 Jun 2014, 12:54:12] [Debug] Asynchronously starting network...
[03 Jun 2014, 12:54:12] [Debug] [/dev/cdc-wdm0] Sent message...
<<<<<< RAW:
<<<<<<   length = 13
<<<<<<   data   = 01:0C:00:00:01:02:00:01:00:20:00:00:00

[03 Jun 2014, 12:54:12] [Debug] [/dev/cdc-wdm0] Sent message (translated)...
<<<<<< QMUX:
<<<<<<   length  = 12
<<<<<<   flags   = 0x00
<<<<<<   service = "wds"
<<<<<<   client  = 2
<<<<<< QMI:
<<<<<<   flags       = "none"
<<<<<<   transaction = 1
<<<<<<   tlv_length  = 0
<<<<<<   message     = "Start Network" (0x0020)

[03 Jun 2014, 12:54:12] [Debug] [/dev/cdc-wdm0] Received message...
>>>>>> RAW:
>>>>>>   length = 20
>>>>>>   data   = 01:13:00:80:01:02:02:01:00:20:00:07:00:02:04:00:01:00:4F:00

[03 Jun 2014, 12:54:12] [Debug] [/dev/cdc-wdm0] Received message (translated)...
>>>>>> QMUX:
>>>>>>   length  = 19
>>>>>>   flags   = 0x80
>>>>>>   service = "wds"
>>>>>>   client  = 2
>>>>>> QMI:
>>>>>>   flags       = "response"
>>>>>>   transaction = 1
>>>>>>   tlv_length  = 7
>>>>>>   message     = "Start Network" (0x0020)
>>>>>> TLV:
>>>>>>   type       = "Result" (0x02)
>>>>>>   length     = 4
>>>>>>   value      = 01:00:4F:00
>>>>>>   translated = FAILURE: PolicyMismatch

error: couldn't start network: QMI protocol error (79): 'PolicyMismatch'
[/dev/cdc-wdm0] Client ID not released:
        Service: 'wds'
            CID: '2'
[03 Jun 2014, 12:54:12] [Debug] [/dev/cdc-wdm0] Releasing 'wds' client with flags 'none'...
[03 Jun 2014, 12:54:12] [Debug] [/dev/cdc-wdm0] Unregistered 'wds' client with ID '2'

Bjørn Mork <bjorn at> schrieb am 15:14 Mittwoch, 28.Mai 2014:

reiner otto <augustus_meyer at> writes:

> Hi,
> next problem during my trials: Just by chance I found out, that on my system a soft boot ("reboot") is NOT the same as "shutdown now -h <power off> <power on/boot>" regarding the MC7710
> In the latter case, everything is fine, I see
> .....
> Starting network with 'qmicli -d /dev/cdc-wdm0 --wds-start-network=  --client-no-release-cid'...
> Saving state... (CID: 1)
> Saving state... (PDH: 41156280)
> Network started successfully
> .....
> However, after soft "reboot", I receive an error:
> ........
> Starting network with 'qmicli -d /dev/cdc-wdm0 --wds-start-network=  --client-no-release-cid'...
> error: couldn't start network: QMI protocol error (79): 'PolicyMismatch'
> Saving state... (CID: 2)
> error: network start failed, no packet data handle
> Clearing state...
> Any ideas ?

Does '--device-open-sync' help?

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