Qmicli Failed 20160303085133

Randy Yates yates at digitalsignallabs.com
Thu Mar 3 14:24:19 UTC 2016

Hello Everyone,

Our  LE910  modem  and  libqmi  has  been  connecting  successfully  and  working  at
multiple sites.  However, we consistently failed to connect at a new site in the past
day or so where there was a very strong signal (4 bars on a phone).  Here are the
log messages from the qmicli connect attempt:

Mar   2  15:48:32  arm  timed[292]:  error:  couldn't  start  network:  QMI  protocol  error  (14):  'CallFailed'
Mar   2  15:48:32  arm  timed[292]:  call  end  reason  (12):  (null)
Mar   2  15:48:32  arm  timed[292]:  verbose  call  end  reason  (2,201):  [internal]  error
Mar   2  15:48:32  arm  timed[292]:  [/dev/cdc-wdm0]  Client  ID  not  released:
Mar   2  15:48:32  arm  timed[292]:  Service:  'wds'
Mar   2  15:48:32  arm  timed[292]:  CID:  '10'
Mar   2  15:48:32  arm  timed[292]:  2016-03-02  15  48  32:  system  command  qmicli  -d  /dev/cdc-wdm0  --wds-start-n*
 *etwork=["11583.mcs"]  --client-no-release-cid  failed.

It appears the reason is that the CID release failed.  Unfortunately I am too ignorant
to even understand what this means.  I would appreciate if someone could explain
this and/or the other information reported.



Randy Yates, DSP/Embedded Firmware Developer
Digital Signal Labs
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