[PATCH 1/2] Extended wda set format message to enable QMUX

Carlo Lobrano c.lobrano at gmail.com
Thu Feb 16 06:48:29 UTC 2017

Added the following configurable values:
- upload datagram protocol
- download datagram protocol
- download datagram max size
- download max datagrams
- endpoint type
- endpoint interface number

According to last GobiNet from CodeAura project, setting the following
values is necessary to enable multiple data connection on the same
controller device:
- upload datagram protocol   = 5 (QMAP)
- download datagram protocol = 5 (QMAP)
- download datagram max size = 32 (it seems working even without setting it)
- download max datagrams     = 32768 (it seems working even without setting it)
- endpoint type              = 2 (HSUSB, but it seems working even without setting it)
- endpoint interface number  = this depends on the modem, but it seems working
  even without setting it
 data/qmi-service-wda.json   |  13 ++-
 src/libqmi-glib/qmi-enums.h |  13 +++
 src/qmicli/qmicli-wda.c     | 213 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++----
 3 files changed, 222 insertions(+), 17 deletions(-)

diff --git a/data/qmi-service-wda.json b/data/qmi-service-wda.json
index d15551d..35e6a9c 100644
--- a/data/qmi-service-wda.json
+++ b/data/qmi-service-wda.json
@@ -83,7 +83,18 @@
                      "mandatory"     : "no",
                      "type"          : "TLV",
                      "since"         : "1.10",
-                     "format"        : "guint32" } ],
+                     "format"        : "guint32" },
+                   { "name"          : "Endpoint Info",
+                     "id"            : "0x17",
+                     "mandatory"     : "no",
+                     "type"          : "TLV",
+                     "since"         : "1.18",
+                     "format"        : "sequence",
+                     "contents"  : [ { "name"          : "Endpoint Type",
+                                       "format"        : "guint32",
+                                       "public-format" : "QmiDataEndpointType"},
+                                     { "name"          : "Interface Number",
+                                       "format"        : "guint32"}] }],
      "output"  : [ { "common-ref" : "Operation Result" },
                    { "name"          : "QoS Format",
                      "id"            : "0x10",
diff --git a/src/libqmi-glib/qmi-enums.h b/src/libqmi-glib/qmi-enums.h
index 083370b..77ee5c3 100644
--- a/src/libqmi-glib/qmi-enums.h
+++ b/src/libqmi-glib/qmi-enums.h
@@ -145,4 +145,17 @@ typedef enum {
  * Since: 1.0
+ * QmiDataEndpointType:
+ * @QMI_DATA_EP_TYPE_UNDEFINED: Data Endpoint Type undefined.
+ * @QMI_DATA_EP_TYPE_HSUSB: Data Endpoint Type HSUSB.
+ *
+ * Data Endpoint Type.
+ */
+typedef enum {
+    QMI_DATA_EP_TYPE_HSUSB     = 0X02,
+} QmiDataEndpointType;
 #endif /* _LIBQMI_GLIB_QMI_ENUMS_H_ */
diff --git a/src/qmicli/qmicli-wda.c b/src/qmicli/qmicli-wda.c
index 1d8f075..5db92e8 100644
--- a/src/qmicli/qmicli-wda.c
+++ b/src/qmicli/qmicli-wda.c
@@ -33,6 +33,10 @@
 #include "qmicli.h"
 #include "qmicli-helpers.h"
 /* Context */
 typedef struct {
     QmiDevice *device;
@@ -49,8 +53,8 @@ static gboolean noop_flag;
 static GOptionEntry entries[] = {
     { "wda-set-data-format", 0, 0, G_OPTION_ARG_STRING, &set_data_format_str,
-      "Set data format",
-      "[raw-ip|802-3]"
+      "Set data format (allowed keys: link-layer-protocol (802-3|raw-ip), ul-protocol (0-5), dl-protocol (0-5), dl-datagrams-max-size, dl-max-datagrams, ep-type (2 for QMAP), ep-iface-number)",
+      "[\"key=value,...\"]"
     { "wda-get-data-format", 0, 0, G_OPTION_ARG_NONE, &get_data_format_flag,
       "Get data format",
@@ -294,29 +298,206 @@ set_data_format_ready (QmiClientWda *client,
     operation_shutdown (TRUE);
+typedef struct {
+    QmiWdaLinkLayerProtocol link_layer_protocol;
+    QmiWdaDataAggregationProtocol ul_protocol;
+    QmiWdaDataAggregationProtocol dl_protocol;
+    guint32 dl_datagram_max_size;
+    guint32 dl_max_datagrams;
+    QmiDataEndpointType endpoint_type;
+    guint32 endpoint_iface_number;
+} SetDataFormatProperties;
+static gboolean
+set_data_format_properties_handle (const gchar  *key,
+                                   const gchar  *value,
+                                   GError      **error,
+                                   gpointer      user_data)
+    SetDataFormatProperties *props = (SetDataFormatProperties *)user_data;
+    if (!value || !value[0]) {
+        g_set_error (error,
+                     QMI_CORE_ERROR,
+                     QMI_CORE_ERROR_FAILED,
+                     "key '%s' requires a value",
+                     key);
+        return FALSE;
+    }
+    if (g_ascii_strcasecmp (key, "link-layer-protocol") == 0) {
+        if (!qmicli_read_link_layer_protocol_from_string (value, &(props->link_layer_protocol))) {
+            g_set_error (error,
+                         QMI_CORE_ERROR,
+                         QMI_CORE_ERROR_FAILED,
+                         "Unrecognized Link Layer Protocol '%s'",
+                         value);
+            return FALSE;
+        }
+        return TRUE;
+    }
+    if (g_ascii_strcasecmp (key, "ul-protocol") == 0) {
+        props->ul_protocol = atoi(value);
+        return TRUE;
+    }
+    if (g_ascii_strcasecmp (key, "dl-protocol") == 0) {
+        props->dl_protocol = atoi(value);
+        return TRUE;
+    }
+    if (g_ascii_strcasecmp (key, "dl-datagram-max-size") == 0) {
+        props->dl_datagram_max_size = atoi(value);
+        return TRUE;
+    }
+    if (g_ascii_strcasecmp (key, "dl-max-datagrams") == 0) {
+        props->dl_max_datagrams = atoi(value);
+        return TRUE;
+    }
+    if (g_ascii_strcasecmp (key, "ep-type") == 0) {
+        props->endpoint_type = atoi(value);
+        return TRUE;
+    }
+    if (g_ascii_strcasecmp (key, "ep-iface-number") == 0) {
+        props->endpoint_iface_number = atoi(value);
+        return TRUE;
+    }
+    g_set_error (error,
+                 QMI_CORE_ERROR,
+                 QMI_CORE_ERROR_FAILED,
+                 "Unrecognized option '%s'",
+                 key);
+    return FALSE;
 static QmiMessageWdaSetDataFormatInput *
 set_data_format_input_create (const gchar *str)
     QmiMessageWdaSetDataFormatInput *input = NULL;
-    QmiWdaLinkLayerProtocol link_layer_protocol;
-    if (qmicli_read_link_layer_protocol_from_string (str, &link_layer_protocol)) {
-        GError *error = NULL;
-        input = qmi_message_wda_set_data_format_input_new ();
-        if (!qmi_message_wda_set_data_format_input_set_link_layer_protocol (
-                input,
-                link_layer_protocol,
-                &error)) {
-            g_printerr ("error: couldn't create input data bundle: '%s'\n",
-                        error->message);
+    GError *error = NULL;
+    SetDataFormatProperties props = {
+        .link_layer_protocol   = QMI_WDA_LINK_LAYER_PROTOCOL_UNKNOWN,
+        .ul_protocol           = QMI_WDA_DATA_AGGREGATION_PROTOCOL_DISABLED,
+        .dl_protocol           = QMI_WDA_DATA_AGGREGATION_PROTOCOL_DISABLED,
+        .endpoint_type         = QMI_DATA_EP_TYPE_UNDEFINED,
+        .endpoint_iface_number = QMI_WDA_ENDPOINT_INTERFACE_NUMBER_UNDEFINED,
+    };
+    /* New key=value format */
+    if (strchr (str, '=')) {
+        if (!qmicli_parse_key_value_string (str,
+                                            &error,
+                                            set_data_format_properties_handle,
+                                            &props)) {
+            g_printerr ("error: could not parse input string '%s'\n", error->message);
             g_error_free (error);
-            qmi_message_wda_set_data_format_input_unref (input);
-            input = NULL;
+            return NULL;
+    input = qmi_message_wda_set_data_format_input_new ();
+    if (!qmi_message_wda_set_data_format_input_set_link_layer_protocol (
+            input,
+            props.link_layer_protocol,
+            &error)) {
+        g_printerr ("error: couldn't create input data bundle: '%s'\n",
+                    error->message);
+        g_error_free (error);
+        goto out;
+    }
+    if (!qmi_message_wda_set_data_format_input_set_uplink_data_aggregation_protocol (
+            input,
+            props.ul_protocol,
+            &error)) {
+        g_printerr ("error: could not set Upload data aggregation protocol '%d': %s\n",
+                    props.ul_protocol, error->message);
+        g_error_free (error);
+        goto out;
+    }
+    if (!qmi_message_wda_set_data_format_input_set_downlink_data_aggregation_protocol (
+            input,
+            props.dl_protocol,
+            &error)) {
+        g_printerr ("error: could not set Download data aggregation protocol '%d': %s\n",
+                    props.dl_protocol, error->message);
+        g_error_free (error);
+        goto out;
+    }
+        !qmi_message_wda_set_data_format_input_set_downlink_data_aggregation_max_size (
+            input,
+            props.dl_datagram_max_size,
+            &error)) {
+        g_printerr ("error: could not set Download data aggregation max size %d: %s\n",
+                    props.dl_datagram_max_size, error->message);
+        g_error_free (error);
+        goto out;
+    }
+        !qmi_message_wda_set_data_format_input_set_downlink_data_aggregation_max_datagrams (
+            input,
+            props.dl_max_datagrams,
+            &error)) {
+        g_printerr ("error: could not set Download data aggregation max datagrams %d: %s\n",
+                    props.dl_max_datagrams, error->message);
+        g_error_free (error);
+        goto out;
+    }
+    if ((props.endpoint_type == QMI_DATA_EP_TYPE_UNDEFINED) ^
+        (props.endpoint_iface_number == QMI_WDA_ENDPOINT_INTERFACE_NUMBER_UNDEFINED)) {
+        g_printerr ("error: endpoint type and interface number must be both set or both unset\n");
+        goto out;
+    }
+    if (props.endpoint_type != QMI_DATA_EP_TYPE_UNDEFINED &&
+        !qmi_message_wda_set_data_format_input_set_endpoint_info (
+            input,
+            props.endpoint_type,
+            props.endpoint_iface_number,
+            &error)) {
+        g_printerr ("error: could not set peripheral endpoint id: %s\n", error->message);
+        g_error_free (error);
+        goto out;
+    }
+    if (props.endpoint_iface_number != QMI_WDA_ENDPOINT_INTERFACE_NUMBER_UNDEFINED &&
+        !qmi_message_wda_set_data_format_input_set_endpoint_info (
+            input,
+            QMI_DATA_EP_TYPE_HSUSB,
+            props.endpoint_iface_number,
+            &error)) {
+        g_printerr ("error: could not set peripheral endpoint id: %s\n", error->message);
+        g_error_free (error);
+        goto out;
+    }
     return input;
+    qmi_message_wda_set_data_format_input_unref (input);
+    return NULL;
 static void

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