[PATCH] qmi-firmware-update: new optional runtime check to see if MM running

Aleksander Morgado aleksander at aleksander.es
Mon Feb 20 19:49:11 UTC 2017

On Wed, Feb 15, 2017 at 3:17 PM, Aleksander Morgado
<aleksander at aleksander.es> wrote:
> Enabled by default, may be disabled using --without-mm-runtime-check
> during configure.
> ---
> Hey Dan and everyone,
> I've already got reports from a user that tried to use qmi-firmware-update while ModemManager was running, which resulted in several different types of errors, including CRC errors during the download process.
> In order to avoid that, I've added a runtime check looking for ModemManager in the system bus; if it's found the process will be halted. Of course the real solution is to make sure there is nothing using the modem (not MM, not anything).
> The check would be enabled by default (e.g. for common builds in the different distributions), but can also be disabled via configure switch for systems that don't require it (e.g. if MM isn't used).
> What do you think?

I'll get this merged during this week if no one disagrees, and then
tag a new unstable 1.17.901 release; just to do another pre-1.18
release with the latest fixes done in the firmware update tool.


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