WDS Bind Mux Port?

Aleksander Morgado aleksander at aleksander.es
Tue Jan 10 22:41:12 UTC 2017

On Tue, Jan 10, 2017 at 10:48 PM, Reinhard Speyerer <rspmn at arcor.de> wrote:
> from looking at commit
> https://portland.source.codeaurora.org/quic/qsdk/oss/lklm/gobinet/commit/GobiNet?id=6effcb052f0320bf32b44409f09643d548578e6b
> ("gobinet: Added support for QMAP with aggregation")
> "WDS Bind Mux Port" seems to be used together with additional WDASetDataFormat
> TLVs 0x12, ..., 0x17.

Hum... plus the new "WDA Set Data Format Request Settings" thing (WDA
message id 0x002B) with the following totally descriptive TLVs:
*(u16 *)(pBuffer + sizeof( sQMUX ) + 5) = 0x0004;
+ *(u8 *)(pBuffer + sizeof( sQMUX ) + 7) = 0x10;
+ *(u16 *)(pBuffer + sizeof( sQMUX ) + 8) = 0x0001;
+ *(u8 *)(pBuffer + sizeof( sQMUX ) + 10) = 0x01;


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