WDS Bind Mux Port?

Daniele Palmas dnlplm at gmail.com
Wed Jan 11 09:21:41 UTC 2017

2017-01-11 10:09 GMT+01:00 Sebastian Sjoholm <sebastian.sjoholm at gmail.com>:
>> > From a quick check with a Huawei ME909u (MDM9215) running in QMI mode
>> we are using a modified version of that driver with Telit LE922A6 to
>> support multiple data sessions that, for my understanding, are lacking
>> in qmi_wwan.
> I am using Sierra MC7455, which have both /dev/cdc-wdm0 and /dev/cdc-wdm1,
> this allow me to have to have two simultaneous data connections with
> qmi_wwan (also MC7304 support this).

But do those USB compositions have more than one rmnet device? In
LE922A6 we have only one device at the usb level.


> -Sebastian

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