aleksander/qmi-firmware-update v2: dms-list-stored-images on MC7430

Aleksander Morgado aleksander at
Fri Jan 20 11:17:05 UTC 2017

On Fri, Jan 20, 2017 at 9:46 AM, Sebastian Sjoholm
<sebastian.sjoholm at> wrote:
>> > And here is a MC7455 update from to, using
>> > qmi-firmware-update.I have attached command log and the verbose
>> > qmi-firmware-log.
>> >
>> > The interesting in this was first, that it did already hold 3 different
>> > firmwares (to my knowledge this module arrived like this), however none
>> > of
>> > them where, the second thing was that I did experience the
>> > QMI
>> > communication issue after the firmware update (resolved with an
>> > at!reset). I
>> > have attached complete logs.
>> >
>> Oh!
>> The qmi-firmware-upgrade tool used /dev/cdc-wdm0 before the image
>> download and then used /dev/cdc-wdm1 after the reset that was
>> triggered after the images were downloaded. You were trying to use
>> /dev/cdc-wdm0 after that same reset, which was the device left behind
>> before the upgrade; had you used cdc-wdm1, it would have probably
>> worked without needing the AT!RESET.
>> Looking at the logs, it seems we didn't get any event for cdc-wdm0
>> being removed; and we did get an udev event for /dev/cdc-wdm1 being
>> added after the reset; so that is why the updater tool used cdc-wdm1.
>> I need to check this, no idea why that happened. Bjørn, any idea?
> I will try to run again, and see if I can get same state and then try the
> cdc-wdm1

I can now reproduce this issue. It only seems to happen when the
MC7455 is configured with 2 QMI+wwan pairs (AT!USBCOMP=1,1,50D). When
setting up a single QMI+wwan pair (AT!USBCOMP=1,1,10D), the issue
doesn't happen.


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