MC7354 with Verizon network

Sebastian Sjoholm sebastian.sjoholm at
Mon Jan 23 20:31:25 UTC 2017

> On Jan 23, 2017, at 21:26 , heni wael <waelheni91 at> wrote:
> [root at localhost ~]# cat /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist-modem.conf 
> blacklist qcserial
> blacklist qmi_wwan
> blacklist usb_wwan
> blacklist cdc_mbim
> blacklist cdc_wdm
> blacklist cdc_ncm
> blacklist sierra
> blacklist sierra_net
> [root at localhost ~]# 

That looks pretty OK, and the dmesg and lsusb -t shows that the qmi_wwan is still loaded after that?

I can find a bunch of cases via google when the blacklist file is not loaded, but it is depended on what linux you are running, I think a google search for your system would be a good start.


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